Chapter Forty-Eight

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"Who do you have on your service?" I inquire
"Grey." Mark replies
"Which one?" I ask
"Lexie." He tuts
"Oh." I mutter

"Are you jealous, baby?" Mark smirks
"Me? Hell no." I scoff
"Good." He smiles, kissing my cheek and leaving.
"Apparently, I'm on your service." Cristina says, walking next to me

"Yeah, glad to have you." I nod
My pager goes off, "I guess we're going to the pit." I shrug
We both rush to the pit and put on our yellow trauma gowns and gloves.

Cristina and I go outside, Mark and Lexie are already there. "Do you know what we're dealing with?" I question
"A motorcycle accident, I think." Mark replies

Two ambulances arrive, "I'll take the first one." I tell Mark
He nods and we greet the ambulances, "What do we got?" I ask
"Juliette Mendoza, 18. Several cuts and bruises, including a pretty  deep laceration on her cheek. Along with a open knee fracture. So far, she's been unconscious." The paramedic informs me, bringing her off the ambulance.

We rush her to the closest trauma room and begin examining her. "She looks terrible." Cristina comments
"Not very helpful, Yang." I mutter

I take a look at her knee, "Page, Ortho." I tell her
She nods and does as told, "That face lac is pretty deep." I say
"You want me to page plastics as well?" She asks

The door opens and in come Mark and Lexie, "Speak of the devil." Cristina mumbles
"Where's your patient?" I question
"He's perfectly fine, not a scratch on him." Mark shrugs

"Fine, since you're here, you get to fix her face." I tut
"You know our patient was going to ask her to marry him at the lookout?" Lexie inquires
"They've been dating since middle school, so romantic." She beams

"Don't you think so, Dr. Sloan?" Lexie asks
Mark gives her a look, "Yep, a gaping knee and face injury are so romantic. Definitely how I'd want my proposal to end up" I remark sarcastically

Lexie shuts up and Cristina chuckles,  "You paged?" Callie asks, walking in
"Yeah, take a look at that." I say, pointing at Juliette's knee.
"Holy, crap. I actually think that might require amputation." She tuts

"No, no amputation!" Juliette exclaims, finally waking up.
"Juliette, I'm going to need you to calm down. It's not our only option." I tell her
"What happened?" She questions

"You were in a motorcycle accident with your boyfriend. He's here too, and he's fine." Lexie smiles
"Eric is here? No, I don't want to see him." Juliette mutters
"Is there a reason why? Did he try to hurt you?" Cristina asks

"I tried breaking up with him, I found somebody else. I told him and that was basically the last thing I remember." She tells us
Cristina and I look at each other, "Call the police." I whisper

Cristina nods and heads off to call the police, "Well, your leg is in terrible condition. We can try a surgery to fix it, but there is no guaranteed result." Callie stammers
"I'll try the surgery, if there is a possibility to keep my leg, I'll take it." Juliette nods

Cristina comes back, "Yang, you're actually free to go. There's nothing here for you anymore." I say
"Ugh, now I have to find a new attending." She groans
"I'll find you later." I remark, as she leaves.

"Grey, you're free to go too. I just have to stitch her up, I could do that alone." Mark tells Lexie
"It's fine, I'd love to learn from the professional." She smiles, getting closer to Mark.
I roll my eyes, "I'm going to go." I tut

"Are you coming home with me?" Mark inquires
"I don't know, maybe I will, maybe I won't." I shrug
"I'm joking, I'll be there. I just got to do my post ops." I nod

"I'll see you at home then." Mark smiles, kissing my forehead and walking away.

It doesn't take me too long to complete my post ops. I head to the attending's lounge to get my stuff, "Hello, Dr. Shepherd. I'm surprised you're still here." Dr. Bailey  tells me
"Miranda, I already told you that you could call me Mariah." I chuckle

"If you insist." She tuts
"I could ask you the same thing, don't you have a husband or something?" I inquire
"Well, yes. But I had a late surgery." Dr. Bailey mutters
"Go home." I tell her

"Fine, you best be going too." She chuckles
"Goodnight, Mariah." Dr. Bailey says
"Goodnight, Miranda." I nod as she walks out.

I grab all my things and head to my car, I get in and begin the drive to Mark's apartment. My phone buzzes, I look at it to see a text from Mark. 'Could you get bread on your way back?'

I guess I'm stopping at the store. I pull up to the closest dollar store and get down. "Welcome to Dollar General." The lady greets

I walk down the aisles until I finally come across the one with bread. I grab a loaf and head to pay. "That'll be 2.07." The lady tuts
I hand her a twenty and wait for my change, "You know, you're really pretty." She tells me, giving me my change.
"Uh, thanks. You too." I mutter, walking out of the store and back to my car.

I begin my journey to Mark's again, it doesn't take too long to get there since the dollar store was close by. I get the bag down and head towards his apartment. As I'm down the hall from Mark's, my phone rings. It's Meredith.

"Hey, Mer'." I answer
"Are you busy? We're watching a movie and we'd love your company." She tells me
"Unless you're too busy with your secret lover." Meredith whispers

"Shut up." I chuckle, opening the door.
When I open it, I see a topless Lexie Grey in Mark's living room. "Mariah, you there?" Meredith asks
I stare at them both, trying to comprehend the situation, "I-I'm going to have to call you back." I stutter

I hang up the phone, "Is this why you wanted me to go get bread? For this?" I inquire
"Baby, this isn't what it looks like." Mark sputters
"Screw you. Both of you." I snap, throwing Mark his bread.

I walk out of the apartment and head back to my car, "Mariah, wait." Mark says
"Fuck off." I huff, getting on the elevator, leaving him standing there.

I'm so stupid, I should've known this would have happened. I get in my car and call Meredith, "Hey, are you okay?" She asks
"Yeah, just fantastic. I'm on my way." I tell her
"Good, I'll see you soon." Meredith tuts
"Bye." I mutter, hanging up.

I sit in my car, in complete disbelief.

So I updated again... This is actually quite abnormal because I usually post only like once a month. But y'all just inspire me to write more. I think my one of my favorite things about this book is getting to read all of your comments and get a ton of support. I hope you enjoy this chapter, it was... Something I didn't plan. I had to throw y'all off somehow lmao... Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote!


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