Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Can I please talk to you?" Derek asks, coming into my room.

"No." I answer simply

"Mariah, come on." He begs

"Fine, what do you want?" I huff

"I'm sorry." Derek states, closing the door and sitting on my bed.

"Okay." I tut

"Do you forgive me?" He questions

"I don't know, Derek." I shrug

"You've been mad at me for four whole months, I can't stand you being mad at me another four." Derek explains

"Well maybe you should've thought of that before you brought up dad being disappointed in me." I snap

"Mariah, I didn't mean it. I was frustrated, I let my anger get the best of me." Derek sighs

"That isn't a fucking excuse Derek." I spit

"And you know what hurt the most?" I ask

He looks up at me, waiting for my answer.

"That out of all the people that could've told that to me, it was you. I have always strived to impress you, to be approved by you. You were there when we saw dad get killed, you knew how much he meant to me, and you say some shit like that." I explain

"Mariah, I know and I am very sorry. I am very proud of you, you are a highly recognized doctor. You are very successful and you are barely twenty two. You have surpassed me and dad would be so proud of you if he could see you now. You are my little sister, I never wanted to hurt you." Derek tells me

"You're the only family I have here in Seattle. You have always stayed by me and defended me, it wasn't fair what I did. I really hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me." He stammers and walks out of my room, closing the door behind him.

I sit on my bed and think of what Derek just said. I mean he is right, he is my only family I have really.

My pager goes off and I pick it up, Dr. Webber.

Today was my day off, I planned to stay in and watch Law and Order all day long, but I guess Richard had other plans.

I reluctantly get up and head out my room. "Where are you going Mariah?" Meredith asks

"Richard paged me, I have to head in." I mutter

"Did Cristina invite you to her wedding?" Meredith questions

"She's getting married?" I inquire

"I'm guessing that's a no." Meredith frowns

"Who's she marrying?" I ask

"Preston." She states

"What? I knew they were like sleeping together. I never knew they were serious." I mutter

"Well she just got engaged yesterday, she probably is planning to invite you later." Meredith tells me

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