Chapter Forty-Four

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"You look happy." George says, walking besides me.
"I am. I kept my patient and her baby alive, I didn't lose it." I tell him, smiling.
"I'm not surprised, you're a brilliant surgeon." He smiles

"Yeah, I know. But I was skeptical, I never take breaks. I thought I'd be a little shaky." I shrug
"You're Mariah Shepherd, don't doubt yourself." George tells me
"Thanks, George." I sigh

"How are you holding up?" He questions
"I'm doing better. I've had good support system." I nod
"I guess I underestimated Alex." George chuckles
"Alex?" I inquire

"Yeah. You were staying with him, right?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.
"Oh, yeah. Sorry, I'm everywhere right now." I laugh nervously
"You planning on moving back?" George questions
"Why? You miss me, Georgie?" I chuckle

"Well, yeah.  It's not the same without you." He shrugs
"I'll think about it." I say, walking off.

"Mariah, there you are!" Mark exclaims, walking over to me.
I sigh and walk into the restroom beside me, avoiding Mark.

Unfortunately for me, Mark gave no fucks and walked right in. "Get out, this is the ladies room." I say, pushing him away.
"There is nobody here." He states

I walk away and lean against the wall,  "Where did you go?" Mark asks
"I had a surgery." I shrug
"Yeah, afterwards." He frowns
"Babe, talk to me." Mark sighs

"Have you changed? I want to believe you did, but I don't know. Derek has known you forever and he is saying all these things. Are you different?" I inquire
"I'm not even going to try and sugar coat it. That was who I used to be." Mark confesses

"Wow." I scoff, and begin to leave.
"But that's not who I am anymore. You changed me, Little Shepherd. What we have is not just sex, I like you a lot." He smiles

"Please, believe me."  Mark begs
"I'm going to choose to believe you, Sloan. I swear if you're wrong, I am going to castrate you." I stammer
"Kinky." He smirks
"Shut up." I chuckle, looking at the ground.

"You still mad?" Mark asks
"Maybe." I tut
"How about now?" He questions, kissing me tenderly.
"A little less." I mumble
"You're impossible." Mark laughs
"You love it." I smile

He hugs me, "I do." He tuts
"Can we get out of this restroom now? It's getting kind of weird." Mark chuckles
"Yeah, I'll see you later." I tell him
"Later at my place or later as in later at work?" He inquires

"I don't know yet." I shrug
"We've been dating over four months." Mark sighs
"Just give me some time to think. I'll definitely have my decision by later." I nod
"Okay, I'll go now." He says
"Bye." I tut, walking away.

The more I think about it throughout the day, the more I begin to consider the idea. It's just temporarily and I was planning on moving out anyways. "Fuck it." I sigh

The only thing I need to do is convince Alex to keep up our lie. I walk around until I finally find him in the elevator. I step inside and stare at him, "Yes?" He questions

"So, I think I'm going to need you to keep up the act for a little while longer." I mutter
"Things are getting serious, huh?" He chuckles
"I think so. I don't know yet. Are you down?" I stammer

"Screw it. Why not?" Alex smirks
"Thanks, you're awesome Karev." I smile
"Yeah, yeah. Just make sure to invite me to the wedding." He laughs
"Don't even mention marriage." I huff
"Anyways, bye. I owe you one!" I exclaim, getting off the elevator and into the lobby.

Mark is standing there, talking to a doctor. He sees me and ends the conversation, walking over to me.
"So, what's the verdict?" Mark inquires
"Yes." I tut
"Really?" He smiles

"Unless you want me to change my mind?" I question
"No, I don't." Mark tells me
"Just remember, this is temporary." I mumble
"I know, I know. Just let me have this." He chuckles

I smile at him and we both walk out of the hospital and to our vehicles. "I'll see you in a bit." Mark smirks
"Okay, I just got to pick up some stuff from Mer's and I'll be there." I reply
He nods and walks to his car,  as I walk to mine.

I get to Mer's not too long after, not expecting a full house. "Mariah?" Meredith questions
"Hey, Mer'" I tut
"I didn't think you were ever coming back." She comments
"You planning on staying?" Derek asks
"Um, actually I was thinking of staying at Alex's for a bit more." I shrug

"Oh okay, well your room will be there. " Meredith nods
"Thanks, I appreciate it." I tell her, heading up the stairs, avoiding talking to anyone else.

I get a bag and start putting some clothes and other minor items in.

Am I really doing this?

I sigh and close the bag and go back downstairs, "Well, I'm out of here. It was nice seeing you again." I tut
"Wait, you're  not staying?" George inquires from the couch
"Sorry, George. It's only temporary." I shrug
"Are you and Karev a thing or what?" Cristina questions

"Nah, I think he's got a thing for someone else. And well so do I." I mutter
"I've seen how you two act." She smirks
"Alex and I are just friends, believe me." I chuckle
"If you say so." Cristina tuts

"Well, I better be going. I'll see y'all at work." I stammer
"Bye, Mariah." Meredith tells me
I wave slightly and walk out of her house and back to my car.

It feels kind of wrong just lying to all their faces, but the alternative isn't that good either.

I drive to Mark's place and arrive 10 minutes later. I walk to his apartment  and knock on the door. He opens the door shirtless and smiles at me, "Hey, baby." Mark says, letting me in.
"Hey." I mumble, walking in and putting my stuff down.

"How'd it go?" He inquires
"Well, I kind of went at a bad time. I was trying to just be in and out, but they stopped me to talk." I tell him, sitting on the couch.
Mark sits next to me and I lean my head on his chest, "They still think Alex and I are together." I chuckle

"We should tell them." He blurts out
I get up and look at Mark in disbelief, "In what world does that seem like a good idea?" I ask

"I'm tired of hiding from everybody. I want to be able to kiss my girlfriend in public, I want to be able to show my affection to everyone." Mark shrugs
"You know I want that too, but my brother will kill you." I say

"That's a risk I'm willing to take." He tells me, looking into my eyes.
"Baby, we are going to tell them. Just not now, try to understand where I am coming from." I sigh
"Fine." Mark frowns
"Thank you." I say, kissing him.

I know it has been 39374 years since I last posted. Yesterday, we reached 100k and I decided to update after so long as a way to sort of thank you guys. Thank you so much for all the support and love you have given me, it is greatly appreciated. I will try to be more active, but I can't really make any promises. I hope you like this chapter, it has been in the works for a bit. Don't forget to comment and vote!


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