Chapter Forty-Two

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"Baby, I really don't think it's best that you go back to work now." Mark frowns, watching me get dressed while sitting on the bed shirtless.
"Mark, I am fine. I serve no use here watching Netflix." I chuckle, putting on my shirt.

"Are you sure you're ready?" He questions
"I was cleared to work already, yes." I reply, stradling him.
"You know that's not what I meant." Mark sighs
"I'm going to be fine, Mark." I reassure, kissing him on the cheek.
"What if you hurt your leg? Or if you fall?" He asks
"I won't, I'll be fine." I sigh
I begin getting off but Mark keeps me down by pushing down my hips, "I need to get ready." I laugh
"You've got 20 minutes." He replies, kissing my neck.
"You're going to make me late." I say
"Well, if you want to go, this is the condition. " Mark tells me, kissing my collar bone 

"So, sex and work or no sex and stay here?" I question
"Mhmm." He hums
"Why are you so horny? We just had sex last night?" I ask, chuckling
"You got me in the mood." Mark mutters

"You are something else." I say, rolling my eyes playfully.
"But I'm irresistible, so you put up with me." He tuts, placing a kiss on my lips 
"Fine, you win." I reply, kissing him back.
"20 minutes." I tell him
"That's all I need." Mark smirks, laying me down on the bed

"Did you really have to go and leave a hickey?" I question, trying to cover it with makeup in the mirror.
"Did you really have to go and scratch up my back?" He chuckles
"Touché." I say, rolling my eyes.
"You're lucky you at least get to cover yours with a shirt."  I remark

"Get over it, you know you liked it." Mark says
"Whatever." I tut
"There." I mutter, finally able to cover up the hickey.

"Let's go, I'm going to be late." I demand, walking out the front door.
"I thought sex was supposed to make you happy." Mark tells me
"Only when it's good." I tease
"Please, if it weren't good, you wouldn't have been moaning my name and begging me for more." He smirks
"Don't give yourself too much credit, Sloan." I chuckle

"Whatever you say." Mark mumbles
We walk to his car and get inside, Mark begins driving us to work.

"Dr. Shepherd, you're back!" Izzie exclaims , hugging me.
"Yeah, back and better than ever." I say, chucking slightly.
"That's great, it hasn't been the sane without you." She smiles
"Thanks. Well, I've got to go now." I tell her
"Okay, well welcome back!" Izzie says before leaving.

Since I had a 'traumatic experience' and was out for a while, I need to get cleared by the chief to work again. I head to the elevator and press the button to call it, the elevator arrives shortly. I step inside, without looking first and end up tripping.

I don't fall though, I am prevented by someone holding onto me. "I got you." A voice says, helping me up.
"Fuck." I groan, leaning against the elevator wall.
"Thanks." I mumble, looking up to see who helped me.

Unfortunately for me, it's Kevin. "You're welcome, beautiful." He smiles
"I just got back and you're flirting with me already?" I question
"I couldn't help it." Kevin smirks
"Okay, well I'll let this one slide because you did help me." I say, trying to stand up straight
"Are you okay?" He asks
"Yeah, it just hurts a little." I reply

"I could take a look at it if you want." Kevin offers
"Thanks, but I'll be fine." I nod
"Okay, well I'm glad you're back Dr. Shepherd." He smiles, before exiting the elevator.

Why is he so persistent?

I get to the chief's office and knock on the door, "Come in!" Dr. Webber yells
I open the door and step inside, "Dr. Shepherd, I see you're doing better." He tells me
"Yes, doing and feeling better." I nod

"I've been cleared to come back, I just need your approval." I say
"Okay, are you sure you don't need any more time?" Richard questions
"No, I'm fine. If it were up to me I wouldn't have waited as long." I reassure him

"If you think you're ready, then you're ready. You've got my approval." He mutters
"Just give me the paperwork and I'll make it offical." Richard says
"Sounds good." I tut
"It's good that you're back we need you here." He comments

I nod and walk out of his office and on my way to the E.R. "So you weren't going to tell me you were coming back already?" A voice questions from behind me

I turn around and see Derek walking up to me, arms open for a hug. Hesitantly, I accept his embrace, "You would've found out either way." I say
"Yeah, but then I wouldn't be special." He frowns
"So, how are you doing?" Derek inquires

"I'm doing fine, a lot better than I originally was." I reply
"I'm glad, now I can perform surgeries with my sister again." He smiles, hitting me lightly.
"You mean so I can totally own you in surgery?" I smirk
"There you are." Derek says, rolling his eyes playfully.

"You know I am still a better surgeon than you?" He inquires
"Slow down there. You are not a better surgeon than me, maybe just maybe, you could be a better neurosurgeon than me if you really tried,  but that's it." I chuckle
"You're so full of yourself." Derek tuts, rolling his eyes

"I mean when you have 4 Harper Avery's, you have room to be." I tease
"Whatever. I'm going to go now, some of us actually have surgeries." He says, walking away dramatically.

I ignore him and continue heading to the E.R. I get there and pull on some gloves and get to work for the first time in a month and a half.

It's super short but I needed to post. Y'all I'm not even going to lie, I'm becoming a little discouraged... My votes and comments are rare.. My ratings are dropping... I don't know. It would mean a lot if y'all would comment and vote more oftenly. Anyways, I created two more stories, a Walking Dead one and an Eminem one. I don't know when I'll actually start them, but just know they're in the works. I hope you guys like the chapter even though it's short and has lack of details, but I have an essay right now and I rushed this in between. I'll work harder next chapter! Don't forget to comment and vote!


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