Chapter Fifty-One

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"Hey, beautiful." Mark smiles, wrapping his arms around me from behind
"Where are you going?" He asks
"I'm going to go pick up all my shit from Mer's." I reply
"Oh, you want me to go with you?" Mark inquires

"I'm fine." I tut, getting out of Marks hold and putting on my shoes
He sits down on the couch, "Are you okay?" He asks
"I'm good, Mark." I nod

I get up and grab my keys, "I'll be back in a bit." I tell him
Mark nods and I walk out of his apartment, and head to my car.

I get inside my car and reluctantly drive over to Meredith's.
Once I get to Mer's house, I use my key to get inside.  I close the door and look around. I hear some shuffling in the kitchen, soon, Izzie pops out. "Mariah." She smiles
"I'm just going to get my stuff." I nod

I go up the stairs, she follows me. I open the door to my room and everything looks the same, I begin taking things out of my closet and putting them into my suitcase. "So, how have you been?" Izzie asks, sitting on the bed.
"Fantastic." I remark sarcastically

"So, you're moving in with Mark. That's good." She smiles
"Yeah, I guess." I mutter, still putting clothes inside my suitcase.
"Alex and I are together." Izzie blurts out

I stop packing, I don't say anything. "Okay." I tut
I grab the rest of my clothes and throw them in my suitcase. I grab the big, plastic trash bags I brought with me, I begin putting the rest of my stuff in them.

"Look, Izzie. I have nothing against you, but I really don't feel like talking, especially about your relationship with Alex." I tell her
"Uh, okay." She mutters, getting off my bed and walking out of my room.

Izzie walks down the stairs, I continue to pack everything up. I am almost done packing, but I accidently bump into my side table and drop my lamp. "Shit." I mumble

I groan and head downstairs to grab the broom and dustpan, I hear Izzie talking to someone, but I don't think anything of it. I grab the dustpan and broom and begin heading back up to my room. "Hey, I heard something break. Are you okay?" Izzie asks
"Yeah, I just dropped my lamp." I shrug

Alex comes from the living room and stands behind Izzie. He stares at me, "Mariah." Alex tuts
I ignore him and walk back up the stairs, I clean up the glass and put it in a trash bag.

I have a suitcase and about 2 bags of my stuff. I get my suitcase and wheel it down the stairs, then I get the two bags and do the same. I go back into my old room and look at it, without all my stuff. I close the door and walk down the stairs.

I walk to the kitchen, where Izzie sits with Alex. "Hey, Iz. Tell Mer' that I left my key." I say
"No problem." Izzie nods
"Okay, well I'm going to head out." I mutter

"You need help talking your stuff to your car?" She asks
"Nah, I'm good." I reply
"Bye, Mariah." Izzie mumbles
I nod and grab my stuff, I load the suitcase first, then the bags. I close my trunk and get  in my car. I pull out of Meredith's driveway and head to Mark's.

I get there pretty fast, there was not really any traffic. I get my stuff and haul it up to the apartment. I finally get there, after a long struggle. I knock on the door. Well not really, I banged on it with my foot. Anyways , Mark opens the door. "That was fast." He remarks

He takes the bags from my hand and takes them inside, I wheel the suitcase inside and put it in Mark's room. He places the bags on his bed and walks over to me. "I'm happy you said yes." Mark smiles, hugging me.
"Yeah, me too." I mumble

"How'd it go?" He questions
"Fine." I reply
"Izzie was there and we had a fun conversation. Apparently her and Alex are together." I say
"Oh, wow." Mark tuts
"Yeah and Alex was there too, so it was fantastic." I say

"I'm sorry, baby." He frowns
"There's nothing to be sorry about, it's whatever." I shrug
"I don't want to go to work tomorrow." I groan, getting out of his grip and flopping on the bed.
He lays down next to me, "Then call in." Mark suggests

"I can't do that, you know that." I mutter
"I just need to go in tomorrow and Friday I'm off on the weekend." I tell him
"What about you? How do you feel about work tomorrow?" I ask
"Well, I can't even talk to my best friend so that sucks." Mark replies

"Yeah, I get it." I nod
"I'm sorry this fucked up everything with Derek." I say
"It was so worth it, Mariah. We don't have to hide us anymore. It's just such a relief and I'm really happy about it." He smiles
"I know, I just feel weird." I mutter

"Weird? Why?" Mark inquires
"Its just. I knew we'd tell Derek eventually.  But now that it happened, its just different." I nod
"Don't get me wrong, I love you. But this definently changed everything." I tell him
"Is that a bad thing?" He questions
"No, look just forget it. I don't know what I'm saying." I stammer

"I just wish my brother understood, that's all." I shrug
"That and I kind of miss Alex." I sigh
"I can't say I feel the same way." Mark says
"Look, I know what happened sucked. But, it was my fault that he did that. I mean, it didn't need to be handled like that, but still. I need space from him right now, but I still love him." I tell him

"Yeah, okay." He mutters
"I'm going to shower, it's getting late." I mutter
"You want company?" Mark smirks
"Always." I chuckle

Mark grabs my hand and leads me to the restroom.

Someone's eager.

Y'all, I finally updated! I know it took a while, but it's finally here! I didn't know how to start it or whatever, but here you go. I hope you enjoy it! Don't forget to comment and vote!


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