Chapter Nineteen

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I haven't talked to Derek all week. Everytime he tries to, i walk away and ignore him.

"Incoming trauma!" Bailey yells

I grab a trauma gown and gloves and rush over as soon as i can.

But by the time i get there, the patients are already taken.

I find Dr. Webber going into a trauma room, until i stop him. "Dr. Webber!" I call out

He stops, "Yes Dr. Shepherd?" He questions

"Where do you need me?" I ask

"You can go in trauma room 3, its bad in there." Dr. Webber replies

I quickly make my way to trauma room 3, and much to my demise, Derek is there.

As much as i don't want to be there, i suck it up and head to care for the patient.

"What do we got?" I inquire

"34 year old male. Huge brain bleed, multiple contusions and lacerations. Possible internal bleeding and several broken bones." A nurse informs me

"What the fuck are you guys waiting for? He's going to die, he needs a O.R, ASAP!"  I yell

"All the O.R's are taken." Derek sighs

"Do you have any balls?" I scoff

I head over to the phone and call the O.R.

A woman answers, "Hello?" She says

"This is Dr. Shepherd, i need a O.R immediately." I demand

"I'm sorry Dr. Shepherd, they're all filled up." She mumbles

"I don't care. Push back any unnecessary surgeries." I order

"Fine. O.R 5 opened up." She mutters

I hang up the phone, "O.R 5 is open, hurry people! Hustle!" I yell

On the way to the O.R, the man immediately codes. "Fuck, i need a crash cart!" I demand, and start doing compressions.

The nurses get a crash cart and hand me the paddles, "Charge to 100!"

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