The truth pt 2

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Andrew ends up leaving to Boston. Mariah and Alex go to Mariah's appointment and find out they're having twins. (Maya and Aaliyah) Mariah and Alex are both surprised. The whole pregnancy goes smoothly, and Mariah and Alex are finally happy for the first time in forever. Mariah gives birth to twin girls and adjusts to having 4 kids, especially two newborns at the same time. Liza comes to help with Madison (1st kid, 4 1/2 years old) and A.J (2nd kid, 2 years old) while Mariah and Alex focus on the babies. Mariah begins to notice that Maya is getting sick, but her and Alex think nothing of it, just that it's a small cold and she'll get over it. A couple nights later, Maya becomes unresponsive and Mariah and Alex begins CPR and rush her to the E.R. Arizona begins assessing her and tries bringing her back, but she can't. Alex and Mariah watch in horror from the outside of the room. Arizona is able to resuscitate her, but has to rush her to surgery. Mariah and Alex anxiously wait for the surgery to be over and Alex begins crying. Mariah comforts him and they both continue waiting. A couple hours later, Arizona comes out and tells them that Maya didn't make it. Alex and Mariah are left grief stricken and Meredith and Jackson show up and try to comfort them. Mariah and Alex go home and try to cope. Alex tries talking to her about arrangements for Maya, but Mariah shuts down. Alex recruits the help of Meredith and April, and a couple days later, the funeral takes place. Mariah doesn't talk to anybody and is barely there. Alex tries to comfort her, but it's useless. Mariah tries remaining and takes care of her kids. Mariah seems to be getting better, however, she begins resorting to drugs. It goes on for a couple of weeks until Alex finally notices it and begs Mariah to stop. Mariah has a breakdown and promises to get better and stop using. Mariah begins going to N.A and her and Alex both go to therapy. After a couple of months, things are looking up. Mariah and Alex return to work. Amelia tells Mariah about a confrence in New York and asks Mariah if she wants to go with her. Mariah agrees and they spend some sister time in New York, however, they do run into their sister Nancy. Nancy invites Mariah and Amelia to dinner with the rest of the family. Both Amelia and Mariah try to decline, but Nancy is persistent. Mariah and Amelia reluctantly go to the dinner and while they are there, the rest of their sisters and their mother begin making comments. Mariah takes them, but then gets fed up and has a meltdown and goes off on everyone for attacking her and Amelia. She tells them everything she has been through and how she did it without them and how she never wants to see any of the again. Mariah defends Amelia and her marriage to Owen and grabs Amelia and takes her out of there. Mariah tells Amelia that she is going to fly back to Seattle, but Amelia tells her she's not going home yet. Mariah flies out to Seattle and enjoys time with her kids and Alex. Alex talks about them finally having a wedding and Mariah agrees to something small. Alex tells Mariah he wants to invite his mom and they both travel to Iowa to go do so. Mariah meets Alex's mom and Alex notices she's doing better. Alex invites him mom to the wedding, but she declines. Mariah comforts Alex and assures him everything will be fine. Mariah and Alex get their wedding stuff settled and end up getting married again a couple of weeks later. Mariah and Alex are in such a good place, they buy a new, bigger house and move in. Mariah once again finds out she is pregnant and tries to convince Alex to let her terminate because she doesn't want a repeat of last time. Alex talks to her and convinces her this is a good thing and everything will be okay. Not too long after, Amelia confesses that she too is pregnant.  Meredith and Maggie throw them a joint baby shower. Mariah juggles her pregnancy, along with her job and three kids. Mariah reminds Alex about having to register A.J for school, but Alex is having trouble letting go, because it was hard enough letting Madison go. Mariah assures him A.J will be fine and Alex agrees. Amelia finds out she's having a boy, Mariah convinces Alex to wait this time when discovering the gender because she wants it to be a surprise. Amelia gives birth to a healthy baby boy and is in love with him. Mariah helps Amelia adjust to motherhood and gives her advice. A couple weeks later, Mariah gives also gives birth to a baby boy, very much to Alex's excitement. They name him Milo. Mariah begins feeling overwhelmed with the baby and getting the kids to school while getting to work on time. She talks to Alex and he agrees to take the kids to school and help with the baby more. Mariah is relived and everything is going well. Meredith tries helping a family with no insurance and Mariah helps her use Ellis's name and cover it all up. However, they get busted and Richard and Alex get involved. Bailey fires all four of them and Meredith gets arrested for medical fraud. Mariah begins trying to help Meredith with her case and hires the best lawyer on the West Coast. Mariah also begins looking for a job, along with Alex. Surprisingly, Mariah is offered a job as Head of Surgery at a bigger hospital. She accepts the job, only if they had an opening for Alex.  They agree to her terms and begin their jobs at the new hospital. Mariah and Alex go to Meredith's trial. Meredith confronts one of the doctors, who killed Derek and he has a heart attack. Despite the circumstances, Mariah go try to help, but Maggie tells Mariah shes got it. The guy dies and Meredith's trial resumes. Alex gets her the letters and Meredith is able to keep her license. Bailey offers all of them their jobs back, but Alex and Mariah decline. Alex begins being distant towards Mariah and she confronts him about it. Alex confesses that Izzie reached out to him a couple of days ago. He tells Mariah that she ended up having his baby and wants him to meet him. Mariah is conflicted and takes some time to process. Alex asks Mariah to come with him to Kansas to meet his son. Mariah is hesitant, but agrees because she wants to be there for Alex. Mariah leaves the kids with Meredith, only bringing the baby. They all make their way down to Kansas, Mariah beyond anxious. They arrive to Izzie's and they all catch up. Izzie asks Alex if he wants to meet his son already and he replies yes. Izzie calls her son out and Alex falls in love. Izzie explains to their son that Alex is his dad and he gets all excited and takes Alex to his room. Izzie tries talking to Mariah and Mariah tells her about her kids and their marriage and everything else. Then Mariah asks Izzie why all of a sudden she tells Alex about the kid. Izzie goes silent and them confesses that her cancer is back and more aggressive and that she doesn't have much time left. She wanted her son to meet his dad and have somebody after she died. Mariah is taken aback by this and tries to process. Alex spends some time with his kid and eventually its time to go. Izzie tells Alex about everything and he is shocked. Izzie asks Alex to take their son (Eli) after she passes. Alex says yes and he comforts Izzie. Mariah and Alex head back home and Alex begins talking to Mariah about everything. Mariah agrees to take Eli after Izzie dies because she knows how much kids mean to Alex. When they get home, Alex tells Meredith and she is surprised. (Their kid is 5 years old, just like A.J. btw) Mariah begins making arrangements and changes, trying to accommodate to everything. Alex visits Eli frequently and checks in on Izzie. About a year passes and Izzie ends up in pretty bad shape. Mariah and Alex drive out and go see her in the hospital. Izzie says goodbye to everyone and ends up passing that same day. Alex makes arrangements for her funeral and they stay until it's over. Alex packs up Eli and gets him ready to move in. The trip back is a silent one, Eli pretty messed up over his mom's death and all. They get back to Seattle and introduce Eli to his half siblings, he's distant. Alex begins spending more time with Eli, while Mariah tends to the other kids. A couple of months pass and Eli is able to fit in nicely.  He gets along with his siblings and adjusts well to the move. Alex and Mariah and at a good place and enjoy raising all their kids and the life they have created.

That's all folks!

Haha, I know it's a lot, but I just wanted to give some closure. I hope you enjoy the final part of Little Shepherd. I appreciate all the support!


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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