Chapter Thirty-Four

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So I couldn't push the thought of Andrew out of my head, so just decide to go to the hospital.

When I get there, I head to his room and watch him from the window. "Mariah? What are you doing here? I thought you had a thing?" Alex questions, walking towards me.
"Yeah well, that didn't go so good. Also, this kid has been on my mind all night." I explain

"Did you call CPS?" I question
"Yeah, but they couldn't come today so they're coming tomorrow." He tells me
"I can't believe that shit." I scoff
"They were busy and it was late, you got to cut them some slack." Alex shrugs
"Andrew is getting abused by his prick of a father, I don't think anyone could be busy enough to ignore that." I huff

"Why are you being like this? I have never seen you this way before." Alex inquires
I sigh, "I personally had an experience with this shit." I reply, leaning on the wall

"Your mom hit you?" He questions
"That woman wouldn't lay a finger on me." I scoff
"No. When I was in like elementary school, I had this really close friend named Natalie. She would show up to school with cuts, bruises and even broken bones. I asked her about it and she would just dismiss it. I found out later that her dad would beat her and her mom. Natalie found out and begged me not to say anything, so I didn't." I explain

"Well, about two weeks later my mom pulls me in the living room and sits me down. She tells me that Natalie died the night before. It turns out her fucking asshole of a father killed her. He shot her in front of her mom, then killed her mom." I continue

"That moment haunted me for the longest time. I couldn't help but blame myself. She could've still been alive, if I had said something." I sigh

I look up at Alex, and his face is blank. "That's rough." He says
"I guess. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't do anything for Andrew." I tell Alex
"You're doing everything you can." Alex says, hugging me surprisingly.

I hug him back awkwardly and pull away. "Thanks Alex, you're a great friend." I smile weakly
He nods, "I've got to go, I have some stuff to do." Alex mumbles
"Okay, bye." I mutter
"Bye, Mariah." He says, and walks off.

I go inside Andrew's room and look at his chart. He hasn't been doing well, he hasn't woken up yet.

I walk over to the chair besides his bed and sit down. I stare at him, hoping he'll wake up.

"Mariah." Someone says, shaking me
"What?" I groan
I look up to see Alex, "You fell asleep, and your shift starts in 10 minutes." He tells me
"I slept in this chair all night?" I question
"Yeah, now get your ass up or you're going to be late for rounds." Alex stammers
"I got you coffee too." He adds, handing me a cup.
"Thanks, Alex." I quickly say, leaving Andrew's room.
"Keep me posted!" I exclaim, not knowing if he heard me.

I rush to change into some scrubs, then head to the nurse's station. As I'm about to find a file, I am interrupted by someone. "Dr. Shepherd, I need a cardio consult in room 345, can you do it?" Lexie asks
"Yeah, sure." I shrug
She follows me to the room and presents the patient. "Grey, I told you to get Burke, not Shepherd." Mark scoffs, looking at me.

"Dr. Burke is in surgery, Dr. Shepherd is perfectly capable." Lexie tells Mark
"I can wait." He mutters
"What the hell is your problem?" I question
"I don't want to get into this right now, Mariah." Mark groans
"May I see you outside?" I ask, raising my eyebrow.
"Dr. Shepherd, I have work to do. If it's not urgent, it can wait." Mark says
"Okay fine, since you're acting like a fucking child I'll talk." I huff
"Dr. Grey, can you leave the room real quick?" I question

"Yes, ma'am." She nods and leaves
Mark scoffs and walks to the corner, "I really don't need your bullshit, Mark. I been having a shitty week, I don't want you mad at me. I didn't even do shit." I sigh
"Really? You're going to act like it didn't even happen?" He questions
"What are you talking about?" I inquire

"You told me there was nothing to worry about." Mark mumbles
"Are you serious? You're mad because of Kevin?" I scoff
"I didn't even want to go with him! I was heading to Joe's and Kevin stopped by to talk to me. Derek saw us and invited him as my date." I explain

"I told you there was nothing to worry about, and I meant it." I reassure him
"If you can't trust me around other males and you're going to be all jealous and shit, this relationship isn't going to work out." I say

"I'm sorry, I should've trusted you. And I'll try to be more understanding." He sighs
"Thank you. I don't want you mad, Mark. At the end of this shitty day, I want to be able to go home to my sexy boyfriend and not be stressed." I tell him, smiling weakly.

"Oh, I'm sexy?" Mark smirks
"That's what I said, didn't I?" I question
"Okay now let's go do your consult." I mutter, walking out

I know it's short, but I was in a rush to update for you guys. Thank you guys for 20K! I never expected Little Shepherd to get this far, so thank you. And today's Friday the 13th, which happens to be like my favorite day, lmao. Anyways, don't forget to comment and vote!

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