Chapter Forty-Six

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Today has been a relatively slow day. Nothing much has came into the E.R, just your typical broken bones and stomach aches.

I'm walking down the hallway; heading to the attending's lounge, when Alex comes up to me, "Hey, Alex." I smile, as he walks beside me.
"Uh, Mariah. There's something I need to tell you." He frowns, fidgeting uneasily.
"What's up?" I inquire

"You remember Andrew Palacios?" Alex asks
"Yeah. Why?" I inquire
"He's in trauma room 3, it's pretty bad." He says

My eyes widen and my body fills with anger. Without a second thought, I run to trauma room 3. When I get there, Derek, Callie and Bailey are there. "What the hell happened? This is my patient, why didn't anybody page me?" I question

"He's got several contusions and definitely internal bleeding. Pupils are responsive, pulse is threading, but still there. His lung is about to collapse and he may have brain trauma " Bailey informs me
"He should be in surgery, why isn't he in surgery?" I stammer
"He's been too unstable, but we were finally able to stablize him." Derek replies

"Where are his guardians? " I question
"He was left here, Dr. Shepherd." She frowns
"That's bullshit." I huff
"Call CPS." I tell the nurse
"And the police." I add

"He's starting to have respiratory failure, I need to input a chest tube." Callie says
"We don't have any time." I mumble
"Mariah, he needs this or he will die." Derek tells me, looking at me sympathetically.

"Fine, do it. We needed him in the O.R an hour ago." I sigh
Callie places a chest tube inside Andrew and immediately we rush him to an O.R.

"Well, there's no major brain damage." Derek announces
"I'm going to go then, page me if you need me. " He nods, leaving the O.R.

"There is way too much bleeding." I remark, packing his abdomen to it's extent.
"Did you find the source?" Dr. Bailey questions

"I can't even see. Suction, please." I sigh
She suctions the blood and I am finally able to get a visual. "I found the source, but it looks too big." I tell her

"Couldn't we remove the stomach, wouldn't that help?" She suggests
"Maybe. But he's 8, we need to hold off on that until as late as possible." I mutter

"Hold this, and be careful." I warn
Dr. Bailey hold a piece of his abdominal wall and nicks something in the process.
"Damn it." She curses

Even more blood pools out, "Dr. Shepherd, he's crashing!" The scrub nurse announces
"Shit." I mumble
"I need more blood, page Karev!" I demand
"Yes ma'am." She nods

Alex comes not too long after, "What happend?" He inquires
"I need you to get me blood, B+. As much as you can find." I tut
"Dr. Shepherd-"
"Just get the damn blood, Karev!"

Alex scrambles out of there, doing as I said. "He's losing way too much blood, there's no way he's going to survive." I mumble

"He's in vi-fib!" The nurse exclaims
"Damn it, we have to shock him." I say
"Charge to 100." I order, but get no result.
"Charge to 100 again." I repeat, still getting no result.

"Charge to 200." I tell the nurse, losing all hope in Andrew's survival.
That doesn't help and I realize that it's too late, there was nothing we could possibly do.

The whole room goes silent as Andrew flatlines. "Who's going to call it?" The nurse asks
I look at Dr. Bailey, who shows no intention to do so. "Time of death, 21:38." I mutter

"I got the blood!" Alex exclaims, bursting into the silent O.R.
"Damn it." He huffs, realizing Andrew had died.

I ignore everybody and scrub out. I was so unbelievably pissed, I couldn't be around anybody. "Dr. Shepherd, I am so sorry." Dr. Bailey tells me

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