Meeting the Shadow

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(Flashback) Shadow Freddy POV

I sat in the darkness in nowhere. All I heard was crying. Loud crying from a little girl. A broken one.

SF: Hello.

Bunny: Go away. I don't need to hurt anyone else.

SF: Why are you crying?

Bunny: I lost my family. Now I'm all alone.

SF: You aren't alone anymore. My name is shadow Freddy.

Bunny: My name is Bunny.

SF: Why don't we be friends?

Bunny: We can. Why do you look like Fredbear's shadow?

SF: I am his shadow.

Bunny: Am I dead?

SF: Yes, but you'll come back to life.

Bunny: Will I see you and fredbear again?

SF: Yes you will Bunny. And your father to.

Bunny: Thank you Shadow Freddy. I hope to see you again. Goodbye SF.

SF: Goodbye Bunny      

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