Fun Night With Goldie

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[Bunny's POV] BTW she can walk correct

I'm in a magic place with sweets everywhere. There's ice cream trees, Oreo houses, even gummy rocks.


I wanna eat the cupcake hat. It's so sweet.


I'll never leave this place. I wanna swim in ice cream forever. Even guava juice is hear filming a video. I'm jumping into the bathtub full of slime. 3...2...1! Wooooo

[Golden Freddy POV]

I wonder when this medicine is gonna where off. She chewed on my hat, panted Freddy like a polar bear, tapped puppet in him box, and tried to jump off the roof five times in just 20 minutes. I should have never said that I was gonna watch over her until she heals. While the others are sleep, I'm playing with a crazy hybrid girl. But I have an idea that should work.

Goldie: "Bunny?"

Bunny: "Are we gonna play some more?!"

Goldie: "Wanna go outside and swimming at the beach?"

Bunny: "Yes, I have to get changed! Be right back!"

That should were her out. I just put on a yellow T-shirt with some blue shorts. When bunny came down, I felt my face heat up a little. She had her hair up in a long ponytail with a band that said, 'gold is cute on me'. Her swim suit was pink onesie with sparkling gold hearts. It had a white skirt attached to it that said 'wild girl'. That long tail was hanging out with the fur braided down. She was holding two towels, a pink one and a gold one.

{At the beach} [No ones POV]

Bunny had been playing in the water for 10 minutes,careful not to wet her bandages, but was getting bored. There were a few other people at the beach looking at Bunny and Goldie. The boys were staring at bunny's (I think you know what). She didn't notice one of the boys walk over to her. Goldie was reading a Godzillajr2719 story on Wattpad and didn't see the boy walking to her.

Teen: "Hey girl. What you doing playing by yourself?"

Bunny: "Umm... hi."

Teen: "Why don't come play with me and my boys over here? They would love a girl like you to play with."

Bunny: "I'm okay. I like playing by myself."

The teen didn't care about what she said and grabs her by the arm while starting to drag her to his friends. Bunny had started to pull back and trying to get out of the teens grasp. She was splashing water everywhere and it finally got Goldie to look at her. He got up and started to walk over to the group of boys, arms crossed and pretty mad.

Goldie: "Will you guys let go of my friend."

Teen: "What's the trouble man. We ain't done nothin to the girl."

Bunny: "I don't wanna be here."

Goldie had made time stop leaving only him and the four teens being able to move. He grabs the teen by the arm and looks at him with red eyes.

Goldie: "The trouble is that your scaring and hurting my friend. She said no and you dragged her over here so you could take at vantage of her. Now I want all of you to listen, if you mess with her or my family again, you will need mental therapy after I'm done with you. Understood?"

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