Chapter 50

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[Nightmare POV]
I was walking through the woods because why not. Its night time and I like the moon. I was just looking around when I heard something crying. I teleported to the sound and saw this wolf guy dragging a girl outside. She was wearing a short outfit, and she had blood all over her. Once he had left her, I went over there and grabbed the thing. She was so light and weak. I took her to the house and sat her down. My phone went off and I saw a text from my cousin, Freddy.

Freddy: Nightmare if you see a girl with bunny ears and a long tail, please tell us

Freddy I have someone to take
of right now. What it this things

Freddy: Her name is Bunny.
She's our friend and has a

Well, if u wanna see something
come over and see if this girl
I found is Bunny.

I remember when I was still a plushie that I heard that name, but this couldn't be her. She died a long time ago, I was with her when it happened. This beaten girl couldn't be her, could it? I put her upstairs with fredbear so that he could watch her. I soon heard a knock on the door, to find Mari and gold standing there. I let them in and we sat down. Gold had looked a little tired, which was unusual for him. We had talked for a while about Bunny and what happened. I was about to go get her when I heard a thud upstairs. We went up there to see Bunny sitting in the corner breathing hard and covering her eye while crying. Fredbear had his hands up while looking shocked.

"Please......d-d- don't hurt me. I can't take anymore."

It was heartbreaking to see her like this. From being a playful bundle of hope, to a scared fragile broken child. Gold had started walking up to her, dispite her crying for us to not hurt her. He just stopped in front of her and crouched down. Me and mari had left the room so that he could talk to her in private.

[Golden Freddy POV]
When Nightmare and Mari had left, I took all my attention to Bunny and her wounds. I knew that she was traumatised from what had happened to her. I had reached to pull her hand from her face, and she let me. Her eye swelling had gone down, but she had bruising everywhere.

"I d-don't wanna go back. He hurts me and-and..."

"Bunny its okay. Your safe from him. I'm glad nightmare found you when he did. I would have killed myself if you had died.*

"I won't d-die, will i? Nightmare? I wanna talk to him."

"Sure. Can you walk or do you need a ride?"

"My arm hurts, but I think my spine is broken. I was thrown into a wall."

"But you spine is metal. How strong is he?"

She held up her arm and I had sighed. I had grabbed her by her waist, making her flinch a little, and picked her up. We were soon in the living room with the twins and Mari. She had looked at everyone and waved.

"H-hey N-nightplush. Nice to see you again."

"I go by nightmare now. Nice to see you to....
can you move your legs. They look like their dangling."

Bunny was about to say something but held her stomach instead.

[Bunny POV]
I felt a sharp pain shoot through my stomach. I knew I was just a little cramp from being a girl. *real talk, they suck.* I just pushed it off and tried to talk again, but I was cut off by something in my mouth. I think the others got the message because I was outside in an instance. I was put down and quickly threw up. I look down and see blood. I felt faint and leaned into someone. I heard voices telling me something, but I couldn't understand. I closed my eyes and let darkness cloud my vision.

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