Teddy Found You

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{Golden Freddy POV}

I finally got Bunny to come outside for once. She did refuse to leave the yard for 10 minutes, but after I told her that I wouldn't let her hand go, she came to me and started walking. I have to say, she is really wobbly on her feet. Right now we're in a pillow and cover store so she can find some for her room. So far she picked out a sparkling pink and yellow sheet.

Bunny: "I'll pick the guava juice, markiplier, ethgoseboom, fnaf, and flower pillows."

GF: "Ok Bunny. Hey do you mind if I go to the restroom?"

Bunny: "Sure."

GF: "Ok. Be out in a few."

{Bunny POV}

I have nothing to worry about. No one is going to find me in a mall. I'm safe with Golden Freddy close by. I felt something tug at my skirt, looking to find a kitten.

I saw no one looking for her so I picked her up and sat her in that pouch on my skirt

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I saw no one looking for her so I picked her up and sat her in that pouch on my skirt. Just than someone pulled me from the bathroom and outside into an empty parking lot.

???: "I finally found you."

Bunny: "Who....who are you?"

Teddy: "Don't yo remember me? I'm Teddy, now you coming home. I'm sure boss misses his toy."

Bunny: "Your..... that bear that..."

Teddy: " At least your leg grew back. It'll be fun riping it off again. "

'I have two options. Kick teddy in the nuts and run into the road or wait for Goldie to come get me? Sorry Goldie, but my butt is not getting beat again.'

*This is how teddy had screamed*

* :-)  *

I have a few minutes to run. Wait which way is the mall?

Goldie: Bunny! Get out of the...

It all went black.


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