The Wild Life

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(Bunny POV)

(Bunny POV)

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onight, we hunt. Find any food that you can. Midnight, Smoky, and Snow, you three are like family now. You helped me when I was running from them, now we must hunt.

*Here's what happened after Bunny ran away. She ran into the woods, with the outfit she had on, it was freezing outside. She got into the woods and started to pass out. That's when three male wolves found her and took her into the pack. She has been gone from the others for two months and lost all abilities to talk and walk correctly. She barks and walks on all fours. Her hair is now all black, red tail and ears, black clothing, and blue eyes.*

They took my family away from me

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They took my family away from me. Who are they anyway. They are my friends, and who is Galvin? If they set foot in our terotury, don't hesitate to give the a bite on the leg. Hope we don't meet again Fazbear's.

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