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cringe warning

[No POV]
In the pizzarea with the others, everyone was sleeping. They all had slept on the stage so they were together at all times. It was midnight when JJ had to use the bathroom. She got up quietly and walked over to the dark hall and was about to enter when a camera click caught her attention.

'They said no one else was here. Who could be using the cameras?'

Stepping into the shadows, she walked down the dark hallways to the office, to her surprise no one was there. She was about to leave when the doors shut, trapping her in. Fear quickly took over as she banged on the doors. This got the attention of the others and they rushed to the sound. Panic spread threw the group as the tried to open the doors to no advil.

"Guys hurry! I'm scared!"

"You shouldn't be afraid child. I'll help take all your fear away."

Her face grew pail as she slowly turned around. She felt her heart stop as something grabbed her by the ears. The others could only watch in horror as she was lifted of the ground. The grey fur made all of them go numb. Holding JJ in his hands was the one and only Wolfie. To make matters worse, he had a knife in the other hand.

"Let my granddaughter go!"

"Or what Ennard. You can't do anything unless you want her dead."

"Why are you here Wolfie? We don't have Bunny with us."

"I know that very well Fazbear, but what's the problem in having a little fun."

He took the knife and raised it to her neck, driving more panic into JJ. She didn't know what to do anymore. One quick slash and her life could be over. No one had a phone with them. No one had noticed Lolbit disappear since JJ was calling out for help in the office. Their silence was broken when three figures had appeared and were standing behind Wolfie and he went flying into the back room. JJ fell to the floor and collapsed into tears. She was lifted and hugged by Bunny, who had appeared with Gold and Mary.

"Calm down sweety. Everything's alright."

JJ was having a small panic attack. She was breathing hard, shaking nonstop, and crying uncontrollably. She was holding her tight when Wolfie has came back out, his eyes burning with hate. Instead of a knife, he had an ax in his hand, looking straight at her and JJ. Everyone was staring in fear as he took a step forward. He went to pounce on the group when they all moved, but Bunny had to grab BB and throw him on her back. The ax when straight threw the wall, making a huge hole in it. Everyone made a bolt for the door. They all took off into the forest. She gave BB and JJ to Foxy and Ennard and they took off even faster. They all splitting into pairs.

Freddy and Gold
Bonnie and Springtrap
Chica and Bunny
Foxy and Mary (with BB)
TF and F. Foxy
TB and Lolbit
TC and Ballora
Mangle and Minda
Ennard and Baby (with JJ)
F. Freddy and Springbonnie

Now to escape the wild Wolf in the wild. With no food, water, or shelter. Just each other.

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