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Last time on Dragon Ball Z
I got up to teleport us to the house only to find...

[Golden Freddy POV]

Those bratty new Toys in our living room. By the looks of the others, they were here to cause trouble. Springbonnie was the first to step forward and saw something.

SB: "What are you doing here Teddy?"

She said it but she didn't look him in the eye. Almost as if she was scared of him.

Teddy: "I'm glad you asked that sun. We came for you two."

Tica: "Wolfie want Sun and Shine back"

TT: "He pays us extra for your return."

Springtrap: "Sorry to stop your party, but that's not going to happen."

I looked down to see Bunny starting to stir. I knew that if she woke up in this situation she would be scared to death. I looked a marionette and it was like he read my mind.

Gold: "I don't care what 'Wolfie' wants. He's not getting them."

Chica: "Their safer with us then with you."

BB:  "This is a fight you can't win. Its 23 against 6."

Tair: "Your right. Let's fix that shall we?"

At that moment Springtrap, Springbonnie, JJ, Baby and her gang were knocked out. Then the unwithered us stepped out.

U.Chica: "Now its even."

I shook bunny to wake her up so that she'll
know what's going on. She had started to open her eyes when I had covered them. She was confused until she heard a voice.

Tonnie: "I see she is awake. Why don't you hand her over right now."

[Bunny POV]

I know that voice from anywhere. The same one who had gave me that mark.

Bunny: "Tonnie?"

Tonnie: "Miss me shine?"

I was scared. I didn't know what to do

Gold: 'Bunny, can you hear me?'

Bunny: 'What do I do?'

Gold: 'I'm going to throw you to the kitchen. When I do and you land, RUN.'

When he said RUN, he threw me across the room. I landed on my side but brushed it off and ran out the screen door. All I heard was crashing coming from the house, but I didn't look back. I jumped the fence and kept running.

What are you doing.

Violet, I can't fight them. I'm to scared

So you're just gonna hide while your friends get hurt fighting for you

I'm weak. I'm not even bigger than a Freddy mega plush. What can I do?

You lead them away from your friends. Just do as I say and you'll be fine. Trust me.

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