Power Training

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Bold is Marionette Italics are Goldie this means both

[No POV]
It's the day after everyone woke up from the attack. Bunny had been left with Mary and Gold for the day while the others went out. The perfect time to teach her to use her powers. She had gotten better with her balance and could stand for an hour at least, but she still walk's on all fours indoors. The others said they were going to stay at a hotel for two days to recover and avoid the training.

"Why do we have to do this guys?"

"Because Bunny, you can really hurt yourself or others if you don't learn how to control your powers."

"Fine. If you two say so, then I'll do it."

"Ok but why the outfit?"

"I gave most of my clothes to the others. I like this anyway, it's my two favorite colors. Pink and yellow."

"Ok, I'll go first. Try to make a small ball in your hand like I'm doing."

There was a gold ball floating above his hand. It made Bunny fascinated in learning. She tried and sure enough, a small pink and gold ball was in her hand. She looked up and saw the pair smiling at her. She made a fist and the ball disappeared from sight.

"That's so cool! What's next in this training process?!"

"Calm down Bunny. You need to focus on staying in control."

"Ok I'll try. You don't need to tell me how to control my fire power. I learned that years ago."


"Yeah. I could show you how I do it. You may wanna back up."

The two stood back as Bunny stood up. She lit her whole body on fire and smiled at the two. It them moved down to the floor and surrounded her. With a raise of her hand, the flames went up and formed a hula hoop that she started to spin. It disappeared and flames were on her tail. Making a fist, it went into her body and up to her hair and ears, that lit on fire. She then made them go to her hand and held it over her mouth. With one deep breath, she blew the flames into the air, then they disappeared. She looked back and saw the two looking shocked.

"I told you."

"That was awesome! If Wolfie saw that, he would think twice about messing with you.

"You really think that?"

"It's true. Your more than what everyone see's on the surface."

"Thanks guys. Next time we see him, he won't know what hit him!"

[Time skip to the end of the day]

The trio had spent all morning and afternoon training. Bunny could form and throw balls, and teleport better. She still needed work, but was learning fast for a beginner. They were all chilling watching TV when Bunny started getting dizzy. She started to go to her bedroom when Gold had grabbed her.

"Feeling sick?"

"Yeah. Is it because of training?"

"That and your injurys. Let's just sleep it off. I'll keep watch for the night."

Before he could finish his sentence, she was fast asleep in his arms. He went into her room and sat him in the bed. Soon Mary joined them and fell asleep.

I'm gonna be updating a lot faster because I really wanna make a new book. If you don't like that, sorry not sorry. It'll be a lot better than this one

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