Chica's child

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[Still No POV]
In her arms was a sleeping baby wrapped in blankets. She stood their with a smile on her face, while the others were dumbfounded. Finally they realized this was no joke, and closed their mouths.

"Guys meet the new member of the family, Cake."

"Bunny, who's child is that?"

"Who do you think Mary? It's Chica's!"


"Shhh! I don't want her to wake up right now. Go sit down and I'll explain."

They all walked into Ennard's room and sat down. She sat down Cake on her tail and grabbed JJ to check her out. As she petted her ears, she flinched away. Her ears were turning purple so she go an ice pack and taped it to her ears.

"Anyway, me and Chica were hiding from Wolfie when we had stopped to rest. We were talking when the ground became wet and she grabbed her stomach. She had told me her stomach was hurting and she felt faint. After a few minutes I found out she was pregnant and went into labor, so for the next hour I had to help we give birth and after that carry her here. She's in my room resting right now. She doesn't know what to do so I'll be taking care of Cake for now until she's ready."

"Ok Bunny, but can we see what she looks like without the blankets or can you just tell us?"

"I'll tell you. She has blond hair with brown tips, purple eyes, and she's Freddy's child."

"What?! Why do you think she's mines?"

"She has bear ears, and the brown in her hair gives it away."

"Bunny, can you let us talk to Freddy for a while?"

"Ok, come on JJ. Let's fix your ears."

"M-m- mommy, behind you!"

Before Bunny could turn around she was lifted into the air by dark strings. She was pulled back from the doorway and into the auditorium with Cake in hand. She felt something poke her arm before she felt her powers start to get low. Cake had woke up and was starting to cry. Bunny used her teleportation powers to get to the ground, but was caught by Wolfie. She felt herself getting weaker by the minute. After a while she stopped struggling and dropped to the floor. Her arm had a black spot on it that had made her vains start to show in that arm. She was trying not to scream because she had Cake and Chica was resting in her room.

"What did you do to me!?"

"I just injections you with a little dark magic. It's fun to see you in pain like this. We'll meet again soon."

With that he disappeared from sight. The others quickly rushed over to her and grabbed her from the floor. She was breathing hard and crying uncontrollably. Springbonnie took Cake, BB, JJ, Bon-Bona and Bonnet and went into Ballora Gallery with them and sat them down. They had TV, games, pillows and covers, and food so they didn't have to leave. She quickly came back and tried to help calm her down. When that didn't work, Mary had used magic to make her sleep, and it worked. Her arm was pulsing with dark magic. They put her in her room and went to sleep. Another problem to fix

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