Do You Love

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(Springbonnie POV)

Today is the day when all the girls are going to the mall, whatever that is. I put on an outfit TC gave to me to wear today. A black and white shirt with a green skirt and white bow. I didn't want to wear the shoes, because I didn't know how to wear them.

 I didn't want to wear the shoes, because I didn't know how to wear them

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When I walked into the stage area, I saw Springtrap starring at me. Only Bunny knows that I like him.

JJ: "Hi Springbonnie!"

SB: "Hi JJ. You look cute."

JJ was wearing a little pink lepored shirt with a black skirt. It had a little pink bow headband to go with it. She didn't have any shoes either.

I did wonder something though, where is Bunny?

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I did wonder something though, where is Bunny?

(Bunny POV)

Here I am in the kitchen with Chica making pancakes for everyone. She has a list of the flavors everyone likes.

Freddy ~ Plain
TF~ Green Tea
Bonnie ~ Carret
TB~ Carret
Chica ~ Pizza
TC ~ Suger Free
Foxy ~ Cherry
Mangle ~ Strawberry
Puppet ~ Black Berry
BB~ Chactolete
GF ~ Caramel
ST~ Apple

Chica: "You look cute in your outfit Bunny."

Bunny: "Thanks Chica."

I had to wear a panda outfit for today. Goldie said I look cute in it and that made me blush like mad.

 Goldie said I look cute in it and that made me blush like mad

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Chica: "Bunny, do you like Goldie?"

Bunny: "N...No! Do you like Freddy?"


Bunny: "That's what I thought."

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