Killing The Past

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[Bunny's POV]

I know what I'm gonna do. I'm facing my fears head on, once and for all. If they think it'll help to forget the past, then I'll forget, by getting rid of it. I go into my room and reach under the bed. I finally feel my old guitar and pull it out. I quickly change into my 'night run' outfit which is just a tank top and skirt made of leafs and vines. I wrap my hands and feet in bandages and pull my hair into to fluffy pigtails that go over my ears. I had my brown eyes narrowed as I looked in the mirror, seeing myself this mad is so bad a$$. I strap my pink and gold guitar to my back and walk out the door. See the others chilling made me smile, until S. Bonnie had seen me. Soon enough everyone was looking at me in aw. I couldnt help but roll my eyes at her. I'm still mad.

"Where are you going looking like a savage predator?"

"Why thank you for asking S. Bonnie. I'm going to pay a little visit to the 'others' and give one a special gift."

"Than we're going with you Bunny. I don't wanna find out you died again."

I only nod and looked down at JJ. I put my fingers to my mouth and whistled, seeing Midnight come out of the darkness. Freddy said I could keep one of the wolves and midnight just wanted to stay, plus I think Springtrap likes him. His ruby red eyes looked at my filled with excitement. I told him to watch over the smaller ones and S. Bonnie since she still had to heal. We were teleported to the office of the pizzarea and landed on the floor. All us girls had just by luck landed on the guys. I quickly got up after landing on Goldie a blushing mess. After everyone had cooled down we started walking around the place. I noticed Goldie had a gash on his arm that was oozing blood. I took off the bandage on my right hand and stopped the group. Dad pulled us onto the ceiling so that we wouldn't get caught.

"Gold, your arm is bleeding alot."

"Thanks for telling me Bunn... your glowing a lot."

I look and see there's light coming from my ears and tail, and even my hair. Bonnie gave me a hoodie and I threw it on. It was black which helped a lot. We continued by crawling on the beams on the ceiling. I felt something grab my neck and I was yanked down to the floor in an instance. I heard a cracking sound and realized my wrist was broke, but I'm left handed so its not a big deal.

"Oh, guys its just a little lost child. Probably from the orphanage."

I realized my hoodie was covering my face and animal parts. I see that Tangle had pulled me down and the others were right behind her. I quickly feel a hand grab me and I see Dad and my family were standing in front of me ready to fight. I was pulled up by Goldie for support. I was mad now.

(Play Song Now) [No POV]
Just like that it was on. Freddy and Gold had both jumped U.Freddy. They were both punching and blocking his attacks. Gold had ran on the wall and flipped off it, and kicked U.Freddy into the wall. The two brothers then took turns punching and kicking the now black and brown bear, ripping pieces of metal and fur off him. There was black oil getting all over the two bear bros.

Next was Bonnie. He was fighting for his life. U. Bonnie had a knife and was trying to slash at him. Bonnie was caught off guard and that gave U. Bonnie the perfect moment to strike. He dug the knife into his side, causing Bonnie to scream out in pain. Blood gushed out the wound and stained his once white shirt with a red spot growing by the second. He wouldn't give up so easily. Bonnie was back on his feet and beating the crap out of U. Bonnie.
*I got a little headache thinking about the others so I had to cut it. Sorry guys. Next time I'll do a full fight scene, promise. Also I will end up doing a sequel to this story. I need help, who should be the enemy in the next. FNAC or Popgoses? Tell me in the comments.*

While the others were fighting there doubles, Bunny, Ennard, Minda and Mari were all fighting Toni. It was going great, until Bunny had started seeing what happened in the past. All her emotions were out of control. To the point where she had dropped to the floor in tears holding her head. It didn't take long for the others to finish their doubles and come see Bunny on the floor.

"Well look at this, the little rabbit fails once again. Down in tears just like always. Brings back memories of that other wild animals in the woods years ago. What was his name again, o that's right, it was"

"You killed storm, didn't you? My little grey wolf pup with the cutest black eyes.... and you KILLED HIM!?"

"Why no sweetheart, murdered him. Hearing him scream and whimper for you to come help was music to my ears."

Bunny had had enough of it. Knowing who had killed he pup filled her up with more power than she had ever felt. A pink aura surrounded her and her eyes lit up pink and yellow. Her hair grew fuzzy with sharp jagged edges. Her teeth grew into fangs that could be seen even when her mouth was closed. Even her claws had grown out into sharp daggers. She had shot a ball of magic at Tari who tried to dodge it but ended up losing an arm to it. Black quickly flew everywhere, even on the others. She grabbed her guitar and pulled it apart, showing a sword. Her magic made had fly over to where Tari sat. For once she saw something in his a eyes that she thought was never possible. Fear

"Bunny please don't hurt me. Your the nice one right?"

"It only hurts for a moment Tari. Just for a moment."

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