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(Bunny's POV)
I don't know why Baby doesn't like being a baby again. I don't mind it, maybe because I don't do much. They feed me milk, play with me, sleep with me, and change me.*I hate that* Currently everyone is sleeping because it's 2:30am. I'm wide awake for some reason, maybe because I'm hungry. I may not be able to walk, but I can crawl a little. I'm in Chica's room on a bean bag she has next to her bed which has a pizza design printed on it. After a while I got to the stairs, and I can't go down them. To make matters worse, I have to pee right now, and there's no one to change me.


Did I just hear something downstairs? Well I don't have to go pee anymore. But now I have this soaked diaper on me.

*step step step step*

[No one POV]

When that final step came, Bunny was violently grabbed from the back of her neck and was thrown into the closet downstairs.

[Bunny's POV]

Where am I?! I don't want to be here! Mom?! Dad?! Someone help me! *tears start to fall while she's shaking* Please..... let me out.....

You little brat

No one loves you


Your nothing to me

Your father didn't want you

You'll never be anything

You failed them

You couldn't even save your own father

Please......... let me out

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