Broken Promise

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[Golden Freddy POV]
I'm so stupid. I let her go. I broke a promise to my friend. I-i- I lost Bunny to something that can..... will hurt her.

*flashback to 2 days ago*

"Bunny look at me, he's gone."


"Promise. Now come on, you have to try to walk on three legs again."

"Ok Goldie."

Bunny had not left the forest for 3 hours because of that incident. But I had got her to start walking so that she could heal faster. Her steps were wobbly but good. Then it happened. We were walking to the house so that JJ could play with her mother for a while. That's when Bunny had started to get scared by something behind us. When I had looked, a grey string had wrapped around me and Bunny, pulling us up into the air. That's when I was thrown into a tree, making me start to pass out. Bunny had grabbed my hand as to stop her from getting taken away from me. She had a look in her eye that said 'don't let go'. I was holding on with the little strength I had. My vision blurred to black slowly, but I could still feel Bunny holding on and screaming for me to not give up. Before I had passed out and heard her scream, she said one thing to me before getting taken.

"You promised"

That's when I felt the cool air hit my hand and I felt myself go. She was everything to me, and I let her go. I woke up a while later to the sound of people calling my name. I see Mari and Freddy looking at me with relief in their eyes. They took me to the show stage to talk with the others. After a while JJ had asked me when was Bunny. I just told her the truth, that I didn't know. Everyone was quiet after that. Then JJ started crying, then Chica, then Baby, and soon all the girls had tears running down their face, even Mari had some, and we never seen him cry. I just sat there with my head down, not knowing that a few tears were running down my face. I had went to my room and got something from my closet. It was a black, blue and gold handmade bracelet that had the words 'Golden Freddy my friend and favorite' on it.

*flashback ends*

I just was bored, so I was singing to myself.

If I let
you go
Would you still be apart of me

Is this real
Will I go on or
Is this all just fanticy

Its been so long since I saw your face I
Forgot who I was
And I lost my grace

Now I just want to stay here
I don't want to forget
Please don't let me disappear

Who we wanna be and who we've become
Are as different as night and day
I tried to destroy you but
I can't ignore you anymore
I don't wanna go back
No I don't want fade away
*Fade away by Madopony*

If only you were here bunny. Then we could run together and play.

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