A Final Goodbye

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[No POV]
It's been a month and the dark magic had taken over Bunny's body. Her vains were always showing, she face never had a smile on it, and she never wanted to play. But she still helped everyone with anything at anytime. Although she kept her guard up at all times. It was almost 10:00 at night when a knock on the door made everyone stop what they were doing. Bunny was wearing on of her dance dresses at the time and so she got up and went to the door. When she answered it, no one was there.

*Bunny's Outfit*

A tapping sound made her slam the door closed

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A tapping sound made her slam the door closed. Her instincts took over and she ran to tell the others, but came to a halt when someone grabbed her tail. She turned around and saw Wolfie holding her back. She slapped him and ran off. She had ended running into Bonnie on the way. She explained quickly and they both ran together. He was already was there and was attacking everyone, and was about to get to Chica and Cake, that's when the two stepped in and stood in front of her. He just smiled and grabbed Bonnie and threw him across the room. She had enough and had jumped on him, clawing and ripping off pieces of metal from his body. She was going great when he grabbed her tail and twisted it, making her scream. He threw her off and put a foot on her chest, pinning her down. She was weak enough from the magic, but when he touched her, she seemed to lose all her strength. Chica had took this time to grab a knife and stabbed Wolfie in the back. While he went for the others, Bunny had started to think about something Mary had said a while back.

"It's not safe to use your powers. Using to much energy could make your body react in a deadly way."

She kept repeating those words inside her head until a scream filled the room. She saw Wolfie holding Minda by her hair. Everything Mary had told her went out the window. She threw a ball of dark magic at his eyes, making him let go and rub his eyes. She ran over and stood in front of who she called her mother. Her hair lit a purple fire and stood up. Once Wolfie got his sight back, he was shocked to see Bunny burning. She just jumped on him and latched onto his neck. Once she had let go, oil had started to run down his body she took noticed of the live wires around him and thought of a plan. She went around and hugged everyone. She looked around and had a smile on her face.

"Do you guys trust me?"

"Of course we do! Why do you ask that Bunny?"

"Good. I'm sorry dad, and to all of you."

Before they could reply to what she said, she took off running with her flames going as big and bright as ever. She grabbed a wire and tied it around Wolfie, preventing him from moving. Gold had realized what she was doing and tried to stop her. He teleported over and grabbed her hand.

"What are you doing?! We can't lose you now!"

"I know. Take care of JJ for me."

She kissed his cheek and threw his away to the others. She gave one last smile to them and jumped onto Wolfie. A blinding light filled the room and made the ground shake. Everyone got down on the ground and covered their eyes, hoping Bunny was alright.

*play song*
Once the bright light disappeared, everyone was able to open their eyes. Bunny was nowhere to be seen. They all got up and looked around the whole building. Circus Gallery nope, Ballora Gallery no, Parts and Service no trace of her. No matter where they looked, they couldn't find her. They went outside and checked everywhere, and still couldn't find her. The nightmares didn't find her either. They all went and sat down when Midnight came in the room with a piece of paper in his mouth. N. Fredbear took the note and read it aloud.

'I know you guys are worried about me,
but don't be. I know you didn't want me
to go, but if I could save you, then I had
to do it. Please don't be so upset, but I can't
come back anytime soon. I've used
everything that I had in me, which wasn't
much, but enough to kill Wolfie, and me.
It worked, but now you won't see me
again, and I'm sorry. I love all of you and
always seen you as a family. I won our fight and now, you can live happy life's, together with the one's you love. I know it's hard to except, but this is my final goodbye to you all. I know it's hard to let go, but you have to. I love you all, and I'm sorry to say this.
Goodbye.' (Love Bunny)

No matter what they tried, I couldn't be the truth. Bunny couldn't be gone, she could fight threw anything, and she could fight threw this. As a result of letting it sink in, the whole family started crying. Everyone couldn't bare the thought of losing her. She was gone forever, and they couldn't do anything about it. Flashbacks of her played in everyone's heads. They we're so sorry they let this happen.


The sequel will be out either tomorrow or the next day. It's called 'A time of Gold'. Thank you all for reading this

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