Breaking Point (part 2)

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[No POV]
It had been a week since Bunny had left her room. She never came out to eat or play, making everyone worried. There was also a roting smell coming from her room, which got worse everyday. It made them wanna find out more, but Bunny was making it hard keeping her room door locked. They didn't even know if she slept at all. Ennard was the most concerned, he tried doing her favorite things like cooking, dancing, singing, and drawing. None had worked. The others had left to go buy some food and clothes since they had ran out. Being told it may be about 2 hours before they get back, he took this time to try to talk to her. He went to her door and knocked on it, to his surprise she was talking to him. She sounded tired and hurt.

"Yes, who is it?"

"It's me Bunny. Open the door, I wanna talk to you."

A click was heard and the door was unlocked. He walked in and saw a mess. There were paper balls scattered across the floor, broken pencils and led in the grass and on the bed, and a black wolf suit against the wall with a stain of dark red on the carpet under it. Then Bunny was next to it. Her hair was tangled and dirty, she had dark bags under her eyes, oil and cuts on her face, and she had gotten skinny to the point of seeing her ribs stick out a little. Her clothes were still torn and she had a large gash on her leg that was dripping blood down to the floor. Then she had looked up at him, and her eyes. They were a dull silver with no emotion in them, the life in them had faded away. Her tail in between her legs and ears pinned flat on her head. She had looked back down at the suit when she saw the shock in her dad's face.

"Bunny, why didn't you tell us about this?"

"I didn't wanna talk about him right then. I wasn't gonna have a break down in front of everyone. It's not what fighters do."

"That's not true, everyone cries every once and a while. Me and the others cried when I saw Vincent carry your body back down here and had to tell them the news. You don't have to feel bad for crying in front of us."

The sound of a vent opening startled them a little bit then they realised it was the others returning from shopping. Ennard had stood up and grabbed her hand. She stood up and walked with him to see the others unpacking the stuff. They noticed the two standing there and dropped the stuff. Bunny found herself being hugged by all the girls at once. She couldn't hold it in anymore. She had reached her breaking point. She fell onto the ground and broke down in tears. All the pain, heartbreak, and fear she had held onto over the years were finally taking their toll on her. It surprised the others at first, but then BB had came up to her and hugged her, then Goldie, then Chica, then everyone. Mary had broke away from the group hug and went into Bunny's room. He came out just as everyone separated from the hug. Bunny had stood up and looked around. She eyes had turned back to their sparkling brown, her tail was up and waging, ears set high on her head, and her sharp teethed smile.

"Bunny, why don't you call midnight. I think you'll feel so much better if you do."

"Ok Mary. MIDNIGHT!"

There was a silence in the room, then the sound of someone walking filled her ears. Then a thud, then straching claws on the floor. She turned to the sound and saw a black wolf suit trying to get off the floor. She quickly ran over to it and lifted to at least 150 pound suit into a hug. It took the others time to recognize this as Midnight. She looked back and ran over to the others with Midnight in her arms. She sat him down and hugged the Marionette.


She was so excited that she didn't feel her body heat go up. Soon her whole body lit up in flames. This made everyone jump back in shock, but it didn't seem to hurt her. She was still jumping around like it wasn't there. Ennard had grabbed her hand and ended up getting burned on his hand. She turned around and saw his hand and quickly calmed down, making the flames disappear. She grabbed a first aid kit and wrapped his hand up as gentle as she could. She then went over and helped Midnight stand up, but he had to lean on her legs for support. They were so into helping him walk that they didn't notice a wolf walking in the main room, with something in his hand. A figure had stepped into the light and pressed a button, making Ennard drop to the ground. Everyone had turned to look at the wolf and got ready for a fight. But the SL kids were staring in disbelief at him.

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