Keeping Secrets

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(Bunny POV)

"This is nice. Everyone is sleeping, the moon is out, nothing can be wrong." That's a lie, I can't sleep. I'm used to being up at night and sleeping during the day. I can go outside and walk the wolves. Let's go guys.
Maybe we can go swimming in the river.

???: "Going somewhere?"

(Golden Freddy POV)

I was in my room watching 'Transformers' when I heard someone open a door. I thought it was Chica because sometimes she makes a midnight pizza, but it was 3:00 am. Who would be up this..... wait a minuit.

GF: "Going somewhere?"

Bunny: "Oh, it's you Golden Freddy. You scared me."

GF: "I see you got your memories back."

Bunny: "How can you understand me? I'm talking like a dog."

GF: "I can read minds, so I know what your thinking."

Bunny: "I'm used to sleeping in the daytime so I'm going outside with the wolves."

GF: *looks down and blushes* "With no pants?"

Bunny: *blushes* "Sorry Goldie, I'll go put on some pants. BTW, can you not tell the other that I went outside?"

GF: "Sure, but be safe."

Bunny: "I will *hugs* thanks Goldie."

GF: *Why is she so cute? Am I falling in love with her*

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