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[Bunny POV]
I woke up with a pounding headache in a dark room. At least it has a light in it. I tried to stand up but my arms were bound to a wall with chains. So were my feet. Now I was stuck in a sitting position with no hope of getting up. I'm trying to remember what happened last night but nothing came up.

Bunny: "Hello?"

I get nothing but an echo of my voice. I'm starting to wonder if this is a pizzarea or somewhere else. I hear footsteps coming closer to the door. When it opened, I don't think I felt more scared since I was dead.

B: "T-t-tari?"

Tari: "I see you recognize me child. I just want to talk to you alone."

Now that I look, I see this knife in his had. I started to try to tug at the chains because I have a fear of knifes in other peoples hands for reasons.

Tari: "Why are you trying to get away from me? Are you scared of something that I have?"

He walked closer to me with the door shut waving the knife intimately. I started to know where I was, the other pizzarea with the new toys. I was scared out of my mind because my family wasn't here and Tari was standing in front of me.

Tari: "Do you remember our last meeting with your friends?"

I couldn't speak. My fear was tacking over my body. All I could do was give a small nod

Tari: "I'm gonna play a little game with you. I ask you a question and you give me an answer. Answer right and you won't get hurt, but answer wrong...

He traced the knife down my cheek not hard but enough to make me bleed.

Tari: "You'll see what happens. Now first question, do you know why you attacked me last time"

Bunny: "I-I- I don't know."

I felt pain shoot up my entire leg in less than a second. My eyes filled up tears as my leg felt numb. I knew he was enjoying my misery bit this game was far from over.

Tari: "Lest move on to the next question shall we."

[Golden Freddy POV]
After 20 minutes of walking through the woods, we made it to the place. All of us had some kind of kitchen weapon with us, so we were ready for a fight. As soon as we got to the door, Mari walked in first.

Mari: "The stage is empty."

Everyone: "What?!"

True we were shocked, but it soon went away. We came here for Bunny and we're not leaving without her. Mari had split us up into groups Toys ,Originals, Funtimes, and me and Springtrap were together. After walking around for a little, we stopped in front of the parts and service room. When we tried to open it, it was locked from the inside. I teleport in the room and unlocked it for Spring to come in. When we had turned on the light we saw Bunny. She had stab wounds everywhere. Her right eye was swollen up to the point of she couldn't see. We both ran up and started to call her name. Once she had made a whimper noise, we took a breath of relief before turning back to getting her. I picked her up while Spring had broke the chains. Springtrap said he'll get the others and that I should get her to the pizzarea. Holding her, when we got to the pizzarea she tried to move but she was in to much pain. I and noticed her holding her stomach so I looked at it. She had a huge purple and blue bruise on it. Who ever did this will pay for hurting my Bunny.

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