Still cant think of a name

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[No POV] *with Bunny and Chica*
The two girls had been running for 13 minutes and had torn most of their clothes. Finally they stopped when a familiar sight caught Bunny's eyes. An old oak tree with a bunch of leaves covering the branches. They dropped down to the ground and took deep breaths. They looked at each other a smiled.

"I think we lost him Chica."

"Are you sure about that?"

"Yeah, but we may have to camp out here for the night."

"Yeah ok. When will we leave and go home?"

"At 8:00, why? Chica are you ok, your face seems a little pale and you look like your in pain?"

Just then, the ground that Chica was sitting on got wet. She put a hand on her stomach and sat up with tears in her eyes. Bunny's face went white as she felt the ground.

"No I'm not alright."

*With Freddy and Gold*
In another area with the twin bears, they were walking around trying to find the others. Gold was afraid to teleport because he didn't want Wolfie to track his powers down and find them. They had been searching for a while and got more lost.

"Gold, do you know where we are?"

"For the tenth time Freddy, no I don't. I'm worried about the others to, but we'll find them. Trust me on this."

"If you say so. Have you noticed Chica's been acting strange lately, like not herself?"

"Now that you mention it, yeah. She seems more covertive and kinda more hungry. But she may just be going threw her time again."

"You have a point. Should we go to the underground? The others may be meeting their to."

"Yeah, let's go."

{Time skip to when everyone met up in the underground because in to lazy to write all those pair POV's. Just deal with it and move on, thank you};-)

Freddy and Gold
Bonnie and Springtrap √
Chica and Bunny
Foxy and Mary (with BB) √
TF and F. Foxy √
TB and Lolbit √
TC and Ballora √
Mangle and Minda √
Ennard and Baby (with JJ) √
F. Freddy and Springbonnie √

Everyone had been on edge all morning. They all met up but Bunny and Chica were nowhere to be found. Everyone was trying to put together a plan to go out and find them so they could come home safely. They were about to lose it when a vent opened. The sound of footsteps echoed off the walls and they soon stopped. Then they walked out into the dark room. Ennard went first and knocked on Bunny's door. They could hear a muffled voice saying hold on. The door opened and there stoop a tired Bunny.

"Hey guys. Can I show you something?"

"Sure, we are your family after all right guys."


"Just don't be to shocked about it."

She went back into her room and came back out holding something. With the lights off it was hard to see, they thought it was a wolf pup she had found, but when the lights came on, they couldn't believe their eyes.

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