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[Goldie POV]
Bunny hadn't said a word after what happened back there. I'm getting worried about her. Her wild look is gone but she seems sad.

'Did I really kill someone Goldie?'

'As hard as it is to say, yes you did.'

'Am I a bad well, thing for it?'

'Why would you think that? Of course not. I think he deserved it. So what if you killed someone by accident with your powers.'

'I feel so much better thanks to you.'

' Sorry. Listen, later tonight meet me outside the pizzarea on the roof and I'll show you something that'll help you relax.'

'Ok, but do I need a certain choice of clothes for this... hangout '

' You may need a swimsuit and towel, that is if your up for getting a little wet'

'I'm up for it. See you tonight'

That girl is something else. It makes me wonder more about why anyone would wanna hurt her and Springbonnie for so long. I was so deep in thought that I didn't notice Springtrap waving a hand in front of my face.

'I ship you to so bad'

'You d**k. I see how you look at Springbonnie, you can't fool me.'

'Shut up'

I was left alone in my thoughts once again.

[Bunny POV] *at the pizzarea*
Sometimes I wonder what did I do to have this family. They really care about me even though I never done anything to have this much attention. I wonder, dose Goldie have a crush on anyone? He makes me so confused. I don't even know where he came from, I mean it seems like the others don't want me to know something about him. Maybe I can ask him later, or should I not? I'm so confused about this, but still, maybe I shouldn't ask about it. As tough as he seems I know he has a sweet side. I grab a cute pink dress and slide into it. Cute.

I can swim in this

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I can swim in this. I grab some shorts and put them on to cover myself. Look at the time, I should head to the roof. I get there and see Goldie standing there with his back turned away from me. I wonder where he's taking me. Before I took notice, he's was holding me over the edge of the roof.

"How do I get over here?"

"I don't know Bunny. But are you ready to go."

"Yeah. Are you gonna carry me there?"

"Well it is a surprise so...."

I found my eyes being covered by a blindfold. I just decide to go along with it. Soon after a long walk he had came to a stop and had set me down. I took the blindfold off and looked around me.

 I took the blindfold off and looked around me

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This place is so beautiful. I'm literally speechless. I've never seen anything like it.

"So what do you think Bunny?"

"This place is so beautiful! When did you find it?"

"I've known about it for years. Hey how do you do that thing with your pupils? They're so big."

"My eyes adjust to the amount of light in the area. The more light the smaller the pupils."

"Well, do you wanna swim or are you to scared to get your hair wet."

As a response I push him into the water and jump in after. He came up wet and blushing like crazy. It only made me laugh like a little kid. My dress was floating in the water making me look like a flower in the glowing water. I didn't even care about the scars all over me, I just wanted to play.

"Your looking a little red in the face. Your name is Golden Freddy not rose Freddy."

"Oh now your gonna get it!"

*Time skip 30 minutes later*

"Are you done Bunny?"

"I'm almost at the top, shut up!"

I had told Goldie I could climb the huge tree to the top and if I did, we would go get ice cream later in the day. No way I'm losing th chance to eat ice cream. Just one more branch. And got it.

"I did it Goldie! I did i- Goldie? Where did you go?"

That's strange, I know he was just here a minute ago. It's like he just disappeared.




I remember falling and then hitting the ground. Then nothing.

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