Breaking Point (part 1)

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[No POV]
It was late at night when Bunny had to take Midnight out to stretch his legs. The location was big but going outside was much better for him. She couldn't go alone so Gold, S. Freddy, and Mary had went with her. It was a little wet and muddy out so it was easy to get stuck in the mud. Bunny had a knife with her just in case a certain 'someone' had showed up. They were sitting in an open area when Bunny's ears had heard something, or someone walking. She reached for her knife and taped Mary's shoulder.

"I heard someone walking. And their not far away from here."

"Ok, I think we should go back guys."


They were about to start walking when Bunny noticed Midnight had disappeared. She had wandered away from the others to find her friend. She came to a stop when she saw pawprints in the mud. They led to the place where she was hurt so many times. She jumped down the hole and seen more prints. She came to a complete stop when she found him. He was barely breathing and had slashes over his body. What made her worried was that he was stabbed in the chest, blood soaking his fur. She tore off a huge piece of her shirt and wrapped it around him, leaving a small portion of her bra showing. She picked him up and ran out into the forest. She tore her pants and shirt running through bushes and slipped multiple times. She stopped and fell to the ground when her furry friend whimpered. She put him down and sat by his side. Tears were pouring down her face as she tried to keep herself from breaking down, but she knew this feeling all to well. Her fuzzy wolf was dying right next to her. *Italics means Midnight is talking. She's part wolf so she knows what he's saying*

"M-midnight I'm-im sorry. *sniff* I wasn't there to protect you."

"It's fine Bunny. It wasn't your fault."

"Yes it is. I-i could've saved you, b-but I was to late."

"You'll always be like a mother to me. I'm sorry I made you feel this way."

"You kn-know you'll always be my one and only Midnight, right? Y-you will always be my red eyed wolf child."

"I know. Mom..."

"Midnight? M-midnight!?"


Bunny had seen him stop breathing. His ears were flat against his head and tail had went limp. She had held back tears and took off the collar she gave him and put it in her hair, wearing it like a headband. She carried midnight back home and sat him in her room. She walked out and saw the others looking worried and talking. She wasn't in the mood so she clapped her paws to get their attention. It worked, and they looked mad but relieved at the same time.

"Where were you Bunny! You can't just wonder off like-"

"Do we have any spare parts to build a new suit? I'm not in the mood right now dad."

She was so mad and in her thoughts that she forgotten her clothes were torn and showing off some of her underclothes. It had all the guys except Ennard and F. Freddy looking away with red or pink on their faces.

"Bunny why do you need a spare suit and where is midnight."

She didn't answer. All she did was close her tear filled eyes and turn the other way. She was trying to avoid the question.

"Bunny, why do you need a spare suit. I can't tell you unless I know why."

She didn't tell. She just went to the secret room and grabbed a tool box and a rolling crate of fur and mental parts and went into her room, locking the door behind her. It left the others confused.

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