Out of Control

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[Bunny's POV]
I woke up and saw I was in my room in the underground. Maybe Goldie brought me back when I had fell. Where did he go anyway, I was worried about him. I'll ask later. I grab an old dress and throw it on.

Walking out I find that only Bonnie was awake

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Walking out I find that only Bonnie was awake. Maybe we could hang out, like old times. I go up to him and tap his shoulder.

"Hey sis, your up and ready to play aren't you?"

"You know it. Just like old times, once please?"

"Fine. Should we go get TB up so we can hang out?"

"Yeah. Let's go grapes."

"Ok strawberry. To blueberry we go!"

Yep, just like old times.

*Time skip* [No POV]

The three siblings were in Ballora Gallery drawing and playing music. Ever since they had stayed down there they had got the lights and AC working. Now the rooms were cleaner and more brighter. They were talking when 'Firefly's' came on the radio. At first there was feet taping to the beat, then humming. Soon Bunny had got up and started swinging her hips to the song her dress flowing with every movement. Then the two joined her and were signing along with the radio.

I'd like to make myself believe
That planet earth turns slowly
Its hard to say that id rather stay awake when I'm a sleep
Cause everything is never as it seems

They were spinning each other and singing in perfect harmony. Dancing together that everything was the same. Their feet hit the ground and arms in perfect sink. They were so caught up in dancing that they didn't see Bunny start to glow and lift them into the air. But someone was watching them dance, old Mary and Goldie were stunned at how Bunny's power reacted to how she felt and moves. When she spun her power would make a gust of wind blow through the room and make some posters fly up. Soon the trio stopped dancing and collapsed into a pile of giggles. It was great to see her happy and worried free, but she has to control her powers before someone gets hurt. To make things more confusing its becoming harder to read her mind so try to see what she's thinking.

"Hey Strawberry?"

"Yeah Blueberry?"

"Do you think one day we'll be dancing with our crushes one day like this?"

"I don't know. I didn't even know if mines likes to dance. I'm just happy we're together again."

"I'm just worried they'll take you back or you'll have to leave us again. It's not the same without you here."

"Don't worries grape, I'm never leaving. This is my home after all, you you guys are my family. Why do you think I never gave up hope!"

"I know. But I just don't want to see you hurt or worse. Then you have JJ, which acts just like you."

"I know. I just wish I knew who her dad is. I know I wasn't raped because I've never been around anyone like that. But at least she see's someone as a father to look up to."

"And who is that?"

"I'm not telling that! That's like asking who I  like!"

"Ok. I'm tired from dancing. What about you two Blueberry and Strawberry?"

"Can we sleep like we used to do on the stage?"

"Fine. Here's a cover and pillow."

The trio had set up the pallet on the floor. The boys went into child form and so did bunny. She put her head on the pillow and stretched out. The two layed their heads on her body and pulled the cover over they. Soon the three were cuddled up and sleeping like a bundle of baby bunnys. Goldie and Mary and took a few pictures and left to talk about the problem.


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