Goldie-The Truth

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(Goldie POV)

After Bunny and JJ went to sleep, I called everyone to the kitchen to talk.

Goldie: Now that everyone is here, I will tell you my plan. Springbonnie do you know what sister location is?

Springbonnie: A little. Bunny never went to the location. She said it was to much for her to handle.

Goldie: I want Baby and the others here tomorrow for bunny. When I was still known as fredbear, she told me her dad was named Ennard. He came to the dinner once.

Freddy: That sounds like a plan. Hands in the middle anyone?

Goldie: For Bunny!

Everyone: For Bunny!
( The next morning)

Bunny: (yawn) What time is it. Where are Springbonnie and JJ?

Bunny threw on a golden Freddy dress she had found in a box. She had her long hair in two pigtails, her fredbear bowtie in her hair, and some pink ballet flats.

JJ: Hi mommy. Goldie is in the kitchen waiting for you.

Bunny: Thank you JJ. Go play with BB.

(In the kitchen)

Goldie: Is everyone ready?

Everyone: Yeah. ( knock)

Mangle: Come in.

Bunny: Hi everyone.

Bonnie: Sis, you look so cute.

Bunny: Thank you.

Chica: Hey bunny, where did you get the bow?

Bunny: ............

Springtrap: Bunny?

My name is Fredbear and this is my friend Springbonnie.

You are a diamond. To cute to be crying.

We'll meet again and play all day.

All I care about is your safety.

We'll be a big happy family.
(Flashback ends)

BB: Bunny are you ok?

Bunny: No.

Springbonnie: Bunny. Let's go talk in backstage.
Springbonnie: Bunny, let go of the past.


Springbonnie: Why do you want him back so bad?

Bunny: When I saw you two broken, my heart dropped. You two were family to me. I did like fredbear when I first saw him. He talked to me while he was dying. Calling me a diamond. I let him die. It was my fault I let you die. 

(In the kitchen)

Freddy: Wow. That was interesting.

JJ: That's how mommy acted when I asked her.

Goldie: What did she say?

JJ: She never took it out of her hair. Talking about it gives her flashbacks of the past. That an old friend had wore it and it's all she has left of him.

Springtrap: Who is that friend?

Goldie: Me.

Mangle: What? Why dose she get upset when someone talks about it.

Goldie: I can't explain it.

???: But i can.

Freddy: Shadow Freddy. How do you know Bunny?

SF: Hello child. Why are you crying?

Bunny: My Family is gone. Vicente killed them.

SF: Poor thing. My names Shadow Freddy

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