Bonds that Break

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[No ones POV]
It was 12:00 in the afternoon and everyone was still sleeping. Bunny was still curled up next to Ennard sleeping peacefully when she was woken up. Looking around she noticed that Gold was missing. Looking over she seen the door was open and there were shadows on the wall. Being as quite as possible she went out and climbed up the wall and snuck out into Funtime Autorium. There were three figures in the room with hoodies on. Her fear instinct started to kick in and she lounged at one of the figures. She quickly landed and chomped down of the figures leg. The figures quickly reacted and slapped her in the face. It then leaned down and held it's leg. She the looked up and saw she had made a mistake. The three figures were S. Freddy S. Bonnie and Goldie. The one she bit was S. Bonnie, and it was really deep.

"Shadow Bonnie I'm so sorry, i-i"

"Just go! You said we were friends but your just as bad as Wolfie! "

Bunny just stood there in shock. Her eyes quickly filled up with tears as the others tried to help S. Bonnie stand. Gold was about to say something but Bunny had ran off. Gold had sent a glare at S. Bonnie and went too get a first aid kit for her leg.

*Time skip to later*

By now everyone had heard about Bunny's 'incident' with S. Bonnie. They were mad at what was said, but were more worried about where Bunny was. They had started to walk around just looking for her. They had passed the Scooping Room since she had a fear of it, which is were she's hiding. In the dark corner curled into a ball crying. She could hear them talking on the other side of the glass.

[Bunny's POV]
I can hear everyone of them talking, thinking they can find me. I know where to hide where they won't find me. Minda's old room. I'll fit right in with all the trash in there.

"Leaving so soon?"

"Shadow Freddy, how did you know I was here?"

"I read your mind and found you sitting here. Why do you think so little of yourself?"

"That's nothing to your concern. I'm just upset about"

"About what? We're your family, you can tell us anything and we'll be there for you."

I thought about it. Were they there for me. When dad was gone. When I was killed. When I was scared and alone. No.

"Why do you lie to me? None of you were there when I needed you most. When JJ needed a guide to life, Minda never came. When I would go days, even weeks without food, Chica never came. When my face was never clean to show my true self, Freddy never came. When I would cry in a pool of blood, you never came to help me. When I would ask myself what did I do wrong, no one ever came to tell me that everything's gonna be ok. I always believed the lies they told me. The lies that everyone tells me. You think that just because they were murdered by someone, they have it hard. My own birth father abandoned me, chased me, k-killed my dad and me, and then hurt my only friends at the time. I've never been truly happy in my life just from being born. I only pretended because I was scared of being left alone again. I'm always scared of being rejected by others, so I just pretend. Do you know how hard it is to pretend to be one way when your really the other? All I've ever wanted was to be normal. Dad thinks I never noticed, how hard he worked to keep his job and still take care of me. He was so busy all the time, and yet he was so happy to be stuck with this burden, to be stuck with me. He kept me away so that I wouldn't be sad about being different, taken or used for experimental use, or just know how hard he worked for me. You only know the fake me, but never the real me. I wanna be happy and tell the whole truth about everything ands how I feel, but I can't. I-i care to much to lose you guys too, just like the others."

[???? POV]
Bunny, to feel better, all you need to do is forget your past. FORGET

To my brother
I read your story, I just forget to vote. Kinda hard to do when I'm tired all the time. I'll just try to remember next time. Its awesome to me through. Sorry. Also I'll try to make sure your a bad guy in this story, it's kind hard but I'll see a point in the story. I'm trying my best. And do you even read them because you vote a little fast for me.

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