Bonds Grow Closer and Bigger

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[Bunny's POV]
It's been only a few hours since Wolfie came back. My arm is completely black and some of my neck is starting to do the same. At least nobody got hurt but me. If I have to describe how I feel right now, weak and hurt. It dose seem like everyone is getting closer than ever. Freddy and Chica are thinking about Cake right now so that's good, but they have a long way to go before they know how to care for a child. I have her dressed as a cute reindeer for now into we get more clothes. I hope they can figure something out so I can get better soon.

[No POV]
While Bunny was feeding Cake milk, everyone was trying to figure out how to fix her arm. The dark magic was spreading through her body quickly, making her grow weaker by the second. She was always wearing long sleeve just so JJ and BB wouldn't get scared. Dispite all this, she still played with everyone, helped Chica, and still kept her powers under control.

"Hey Bunny, came you come here for a minute?"

"Hold on Chica. I have to get JJ a new icepack."

Bunny had walked over to the fridge when she felt something pin her against the wall by her arm. She tried to scream but her mouth had got covered by a cloth. She felt pain start to move up threw out her body. She couldn't move anymore, all she could do is cry. Footsteps were heard coming closer and before she knew it, she fell to the floor with no one with her. She was to scared to make a sound, to get up, to be alone. She curled into a ball and just sat there and cried. She felt something shaking her but still didn't look up. She felt someone lift her chin so she could look up, and Gold was standing in front of her. Some of her face had started to turn dark, her other arm, and stomach did the same thing. She was pulled into a hug and lifted off the ground. She couldn't stop crying for anything. Her whole body was hurting and she was scared. She felt herself being sat down on something soft, only to see it was a bunch of pillows. She could feel someone petting her head to try to relax her, and it worked. She looked up and say Gold Witt next go her with a sorry look on his face. She scooted next to him and rested her head on his shoulder. She felt herself get sleepy and started closing her eyes. Before she had dozed off, she felt something warm wrap around her waist. She looked down and saw Gold had wrapped an arm around her and went to sleep. She smiled and closed her eyes again, and slipped into darkness.

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