Ennard- The Reunion

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(Bunny POV)

Why am I in this room. I can't talk because puppet had to fix my voice box, so he took it out. Now I'm in the office with nothing to do. All I had was my tutu that I made last night and a tablet in the office that showed all the cameras. I saw the words it's me on the wall before I started seeing things blood
,children, murder. I heard things like save them, help him,you can't. I didn't know what to do so I screamed.

(Ennard POV)

We were talking to Goldie about the past when we heard a scream. Goldie called me and the others to the office. There I saw her again. She looked so scared. Crying, pail, scared.

Goldie: Ennard, can you help calm her down?

Bonnie: Why is she acting like this.

Ennard: Bunny! Bunny calm down. It's us.

JJ: Mommy.

Ennard: What do we do?

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