Don't Cry Little Wolf

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As I sit on the cold hard floor of kids cove in tears. Our little friend has gone missing for a month. I still hear her voice singing to me a song that relaxes my nerves. Why dose it always happen to the sweet ones? She will still be our friend until the end. She is the reason the toys and withered get along. It's not the same without her. Please come back Bunny. 💗 Mangle

Why dose it happen to the good ones? No one will tell me why she won't come back.
We used to sing and play. She love to play hide and seek with me. We blew up balloons and then jumped into them for fun. Friends forever Bunny. BB

All I think about now is how she forgave me. The thing that I did to her, yet she still wanted to be friends. I don't get how she is so happy. See her soon. ❤ Puppet

When will she come back? We don't know, but were not giving up hope for her. She fixed us for fun and to help us. She is a little bundle of hope and joy. We look brand new, so dose mangle. We had fun scaring the night guard, taking pictures, and cooking food in the kitchen. We'll wait forever to see her again. 💛.  💚Withered

We love you Bunny. You changed our life when you gave us second chances when we messed up. Thank you for giving us hope. Toys


Hello? Is someone here?

The tall figure stood over me looking around. He looked funny in his suit so I giggled a little. He looked down and saw me and my animal parts.

Who left this baby here? Well, I Guss they didn't want you, so I'll keep you little....

He lifted me up and looked under my blanket.

Girl. Little girl.

He put me in one arm and used the other to crawl through the vent. We then were in this room with two big glass windows. After going through another vent and walking through an empty room we went into his room. He sat me down on the floor and said

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