Fear or Fight

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[Bunny POV] U = Unwithered

Violent told me the plan to help my brother. To be honest, I'm scared. But I don't want my family hurt. I have to protect them at all cost, even if I have to die trying.

(Time skip to the house of madness)
[No ones POV] I'm not good at this

Inside the house was a big fight between the two groups. Chica was doughing U.Chica's attacks. Freddy was thrown into the wall from  U.Freddy kicking him. Bonni and Foxy were both knocked into each other, making them both unconscious. BB was fighting TT like there was no tomorrow, and was winning. All the Toys were doing a great job at beating their replacements. Golden Freddy was helping Marionette beat Tari. It was at that moment that bunny had walked in to see Gold get thrown into the counter top, making him hit his head hard enough to bleed. Now Bunny may had been scared before, but now she was mad. Her fur had changed to all black with red eyes. She had grew to the age that she had died at. Her outfit was now a ripped yellow tank top with some blue shorts. Her hair now stained with blood, a knife in her hand. Her voice glitched with every sound she made.

Bunny: "Tari, you wanna play?

Tair: " Do you really think you can beat me? Take one more step and it'll be your last one."

One step now
Its almost time
Show you what my determination has left for you to get back to
You should prepare to just die
Like all your friends tour gonna have a really good time

Bunny got in a pouncing pose with the knife in her mouth while Tari had had strings ready.

But guys like you are always just fools
Come at me try to kill me with your fancy tools
Let's go let the room get chiller
Lest go just another killer

That line made everyone freeze and stop fighting. Bunny had jumped to cut Tari on the arm deeply. This made him mad. He fired his string at bunny, but they missed. Bunny had threw the knife in Tari's arm, and it hit it's mark deep to the bone. The impact made Tari fall to the floor from pain. Bunny was about to pounce again but something held her back. It was Mari's strings.

Mari: "Bunny stop! Your not being yourself."

Chica: "Bunny your scaring us."

Bunny had stopped moving. Her fur had changed back to it's normal color, but her hair and clothes stayed the same. Her eyes had shut only to change back to their original color.

Bunny: "What happened?"

Gold: "You don't remember?"

Bunny: "No. No I don't"

Tari: "This isn't the last of us Fazbear's!"

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