Tell Me Bunny

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[Golden Freddy POV] 4:00 am

'I am the KING OF FNAF!' markiplier always calms me down after a nightmare. I didn't sleep a lot last night. Maybe I should check on Bunny, since she is a baby now. That's strange, no one leaves the light outside on.


...... I feel like the idiot in a horror movie. That dumb person that goes to the sound in the dark even though their home alone. But if that's what I have to do to keep my family safe,I'll take that chance. 3... 2..... 1..

[Bunny POV]

I've been in here for 2 hours. My hands are bleeding bad from me hitting the door knowing I couldn't open it. I just want to get out of here. I somehow changed into my child form, but that doesn't make me any stronger. I'm only the size of a 3 year old. I still have on the outfit Chica got me, only without the diaper. I have to tell someone about the others. I'll tell Goldie, he'll know how to help me. I trust him the most.

Goldie: "Bunny?"

Bunny: "Goldie?"

I couldn't help but to burst out in tears. I was so happy that someone had found me in here. My hands were hurting but I didn't care. He found me, and I'm safe. I had looked up to see we were in different room, and he was holding me. The room was grey with a red couch, round white rug, and a flat screen TV. I was still crying.

Goldie: "Bunny, I want to talk to you. I know you don't want to but you have to tell me about your past."

Bunny: "I can't. It'll put you in danger."

Goldie: "Just tell me. I want to know so I can help you. I don't want to see you hurt or worse, dead. If you tell me, then I'll protect you."

Bunny: "Ok. But please don't tell the others."

He just noded and sat on the couch, not even bothering to put me down. He just sat me on his lap. To be honest, it made me feel safer, I even stopped crying.

Bunny: "I was never wanted by anyone. All they did was look at me and walk away. When I was taken in by Wolfie, I thought he was nice. Like I could see him as another fatherly figure. But I was wrong. I was first put into dog fighting, but I never fought back. At the end of the day, I would be covered in bite and scratch marks, even some of my skin was missing. After a while he took me out of it, and put me into pole dancing. It was awful, the outfits were so revealing, the people would look at me weird, and I would have to smile when I did it. He even got other people in his plan. Teddy, Tonnie, Tica, Tangle, TT, and Tari. All the did were beat me and laugh at my state. All I wanted was for them to stop, but it only got worse. My body became skin over bones with nothing but scars all over. I became broken. But they still want me back. That's why they keep looking for me, to take me back. I'm just a toy to them, to everyone."

I felt myself start to burn, like someone had lit me on fire. I don't want him to get hurt because of me. I won't forgive myself knowing that it was my fault. Tears threatened to spill from my eyes. I was fighting so hard to not let them fall. Before Goldie could say anything I started to talk again, this time my voice breaking and me shaking.

Bunny: "And no one cared! I would sit there and cry, calling out for help, but no one came. Not Springtrap, not my siblings, not even dad.! I was worthless. I still am now. No one cares about me, they just pretend, then leave you behind, like a bump in the road. That's all I am to them, a bump that they beat."

[Golden Freddy POV]

I couldn't believe what I just heard. Bunny's past is not what I thought it would be. I never knew that someone could something that bad to someone as sweet as her. I'll do something about this Wolfie guy later, but for now, she's my main concern. I just had to hug her, and she didn't do anything to stop me. She just sat there in my lap with her face in her hands. We stayed like this for 5 minutes until she fell asleep. Once she was asleep, I got a better look at her. She had white spots on her ears and tail, a big mark on her head as if it had been busted open, and a heart shaped scar on her left eye. I had stood up and teleported us back home only to find


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