Regular Morning Weird Bunny

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I woke up to smell someone cooking in the kitchen. I thought it was Chica but I was so wrong. It was Bunny, in her little outfit now feeding her wolves. I went to tell Goldie that she was awake so that he could talk to her.
Then I ran into JJ, in her sleeping dress. Only Goldie knows about my crush on her, but I don't know anything about him.

JJ: "Sorry BB. I was coming from the bathroom."

BB: "It's ok. Bye JJ."

I looked like a idiot.

{Goldie POV}

It's so cloudy outside, it looks like its gonna rain later. I plan on taking Bunny outside for a walk later so she can gain her confidence back. I know she is still scared of the world on the inside, she just doesn't show it. I smell something cooking, maybe Chica. She is like a sister to me. A sweet, smart, and kind sister. This house is a two story house with three bedrooms, one for me and Springtrap, one for the toys, and one for the others. I put on a white T-shirt with some blue shorts and black shoes. As soon as I went downstairs, I saw Bunny in her bike outfit. I have to say, she looked cute. But something was off about her. She runs and hugs her friends when she sees them, but she looks deep in her thoughts.
I see she cooked us breakfast, grits and bacon.

GF: Hey Bunny.

Bunny: Oh hi Goldie. *hugs*

GF: Are you ok? Your not being yourself today.

Bunny: I'm fine, trust me!

GF: Ok.... so I was thinking we could go on a walk today before it rains.

Bunny: Sure but, what is rain?

GF: When water falls out of the sky.

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