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Fredbear: Bunny....

Bunny: Fredbear don't worrie, I...I'll fix you.

Fredbear: Bunny stop. You can't stop this. He'll come for you.

Bunny: But I can't leave knowing your going to die! It''s all my....f....fault.

Fredbear: Bunny, I don't care if I die or not. All I care about is your safety. You are and will always be our first bf ever. You are a glowing diamond, to cute to be crying. Friends never say goodbye. One day we'll meet again and play all day. We'll be a big happy family. You, me, and...spri.....spring...

Bunny: Fredbear? FREDBEAR! Please wake up! I can't lose you two! He had something in his hand. His purple bowtie. I took it, put it in my hair and started to break down.
[Bunny POV]

It was just a dream, well nightmare. Where am I? This isn't the pizzarea, it's a house. How did I get here? Wow, 8:00 in the morning. Might as well make breakfast for whoever is here. But first, where are my clothes? Their is a note on a box beside this bed I'm in.

Dear Bunny ~
Welcome to the Fazbear home. We don't live in the pizzarea, we just hang out and sometimes sleep there. If your wondering, you passed out in the kitchen so we left you at the pizzarea with Goldie to watch over you. Springbonnie picked out the outfit since you love skirts. Your in the basement of the house by the way. It was like that when we found it so sorry if you don't like it. See you when you wake up.

~ Chica

Well that explains somethings

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Well that explains somethings. I don't hear anyone so they must be asleep. Now to cook on four legs.

(Time skip)

I have finished cooking one for everyone. Now it's only 9:30. I hope no one heard me singing "Chica" because that would be embarsing. I wonder if Chica knows Spanish. I'm still wondering about that dream, who was that guy, and why was I crying over him?

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