Chapter 46

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[Bunny POV]

"Hello Bunny. Don't you be scared I'm not gonna hurt you, yet. I know you think your safe from me, but think again. I'll come get you, bring you home, and take good care of you. Your excuse of a family and crush won't protect you for long. I'll have you back in my grip soon."
*End of dream*

I can't feel my leg, or anything for that matter. I can't even get up from where I am. I can hear voices calling me tough. It feels like someone is holding me back.

"Bunny wake up"

"Gold stop trying to get her up"

"Spring I'm just trying to get her to eat something."

"Why don't you use your magic. It always gets Freddy up."

"I'm trying not to shock her. She's already weak enough from her incident with Tari. Magic will only hurt her more."

"Well I'm going to sleep. I already had to deal with the others asking so many questions about why they couldn't see her."

I finally had enough strength to open my eyes, only to be blinded by the light above my head. I groaned in response, and that got who I assume to Gold and Springtrap's attention. I was greeted by the sight of the two brothers smiling at me. I then took notice that I could only see out of one eye. I was helped by the two so that I was sitting up against the wall. I looked around the room that I was in. It had green and gold walls with two beds, a TV, bookshelf, black carpet, and pictures of the Fazbear's on the walls. I look down at myself to see my left leg wrapped in bandages. My head, ears, tail, and arms had some too. I felt sore all over. Finally Gold had started talking to me.

"Bunny you ok?"

"Sore as h*** but fine. Where am I?"

"Fazbear's Fight. This is me and Spring's room."

I look over at Springtrap to see him at the door looking at something. His expression looked serious. Gold had seen him too and was getting anxious. He had walked over to him and tapped his shoulder.

"Springtrap are you ok?"

"We should go check this place. Something isn't right."

"Ok, but stop starring like that. You had us worried back there. Let me grab Bunny."

Gold ran over to me and without hesitation, picked me up bridal style. I was surprised by this and let out a little squeak. The two seemed amused by this because they both had smug grins on their faces. Then they started walking down the hallway with me in hand. After a while we found nothing and decided to go back and sit down. As we were walking I started to think that Spring wasn't thinking things. Right when we opened the door, someone I feared was standing right in the middle of the room. That smoke grey hair, those teal eyes, the animal features. My heart skipped a beat.


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