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They were all already in the practice room. I knew they worked hard, but this was something else.

-Good morning -I said in my native language, just out of habit. Making them look at me weird. I hastened to explain what it meant and they laughed, greeting me back with a poor Spanish.-.

Ken took his order willingly; I handed out the additional drinks I had bought. If they had wanted something to eat, they would have told me too, right? So by courtesy I just bought the drinks. I looked for Ravi who had moved from my side to find him carrying his backpack to a corner.

-Thanks for accompanying me. I owe you one -I handed him his drink.-.

-That sounds interesting -I looked confused. What could that mean? He had to see my confusion painted on my face because he laughed, I mean, he really laughed.-.

-What's funny? -Hongbin asked.

-Nothing - I said immediately before they all started to have fun at my expense.-. I let you practice. Call if you need anything.

-We will record VIXX TV today –N says.-.

-How about introducing our new pet? -Ken asked.

-Ohhh, that's good. So all our Starlights will know we think of them and we have our interpreter to communicate -Hyuk said-.

-Do you really think I'll believe you guys are going to tape me? -I snorted.

-Do not challenge them, please. They usually do what they feel like -Leo said from a corner. I rolled my eyes.-.

-Treat me like any of your workstaff, I will not go on VIXX TV -everyone started to laugh, probably because of my annoyed face.-. Guys, I'm leaving. Shout if you need me.

I left the room with a smile. They really were crazy; it was not at all different from what I assumed they would be. As I walked down the aisle, I met Sun Hee, she was one of the VIXX stylists. She was very kind to me yesterday, and when she saw me, she gave me a broad smile, as if we were lifelong friends.

-What are you doing here? -She asked curiously.

-I just left the boys in the practice room. And you?

-I'm leaving a meeting. We discussed the style of his new concept.

-New concept? A comeback? -I asked excitedly. Sun Hee laughed.

-You're quite a fan -she observed.-. How can you keep your composure in front of them? I remember on the first day that I worked with them -She put a face as if he were ashamed of that moment, which made me wonder what she had done.-. Do you have something to do now? We can go for a coffee and talk -I had nothing to do, other than waiting for the boys to need something, nothing more.-.

-Let's go. I do not have anything better to do.

That's how I went back to the same cafe. I was about to die when I saw that it had stopped raining. The world seemed to conspire against me. The sun bothered me in the eyes; I looked for my sunglasses in my head, to remember that Ravi had stayed with them. I should remember to ask for them later. While waiting for Sun Hee to order, I blew my hands because I was dying of cold, and then put them in the pockets to keep them warm. Me used to the heat, this climate would be hell for me. She came later to the table with two steaming coffee.

-Drink it so you can warm up.

-Thank you -I sipped a little and inwardly thanked the warmth that went down my throat.-.

-The first time I worked with them, I was like you. I still get excited, now that I know them more. They are very nice, some crazy, but good people. We'll have to talk about those pretty boys later, tell me more about you. I heard you were the leader of a famous fan base in the VIXX community -That surprised me.-.

-Well, I cannot call it famous. But as I work different languages, I can say that many people follow it.

-Excuse me for interrupting you, but you have beautiful hair. I would like to make you different types of hairstyles! You must let me be your stylist. Please, please -I laughed. In my country having curly hair is normal. Although women wear it straight through the dryer and iron most of the time.-.

-All right -She let out a shriek of happiness.-.

-Consider me your best friend -I laughed at her and her emotion. How could something so trivial excite her? The song on the cell phone interrupted the conversation. Again it was mine. I was not used to having my cell phone ring so often.-.


-I have your belongings; I've looked for you throughout the company. You left? -In that I noticed that my number had all of them. At what point in my life did I think I would receive a call from Ravi? What I expected most in my life was to at least answer me a tweet.-. Are you there?

-Eh, yes. I left -Ravi looked like he was going to say something against that, but he stopped.-. We have to go out and I wanted to give you back your stuff before we leave.

-Leave them in the practice room, when I come back I pick them up.

-No, I'll give them to you personally when I see you. I'm really sorry I stayed with them. I am sorry.

-Do not worry, I completely forgot.

-I have to go. Cover yourself well -That voice is going to be my doom, for the love of God. Those were the words that ran through my head again and again. I stood looking at the cell phone for a moment. This was so surreal that I hardly believed it.-.

-Are you okay? -Sun Hee looked at me worriedly.-. You look like you're going to collapse at any moment -I laughed at that because that would surely happen.-.

-Yes. I'm fine. Just surprised.

-Let's have coffee, and let's go back to the company. I still have one meeting to attend -I nodded. We talked a little and finished our coffees and went back to the company. Soon Sun Hee said goodbye to me to go to her meeting. I was left alone, not knowing what to do.-.

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