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I heard the sound of someone inserting the code of the door and I stood up, surprised. Was I listening to things? Wasn't enough to listen to Ravi call me from time to time, but I also needed to hear him putting the code on my door? This is worse than I thought. To my surprise, the door opened. I wasn't so crazy after all, Ravi was there. I was very confused to even fight him for the shameless act of entering my house without warning.

-You have not changed the password on the door -His voice quieter, sad maybe? I didn't let that affect me.

-There is no need. I didn't think you were coming anyway -It was totally true, the least I expected was to meet him in here-. What brings you here? -I turned my back and walked to the kitchen, just to have something to do.

-I've come to bring your things -And for things, he meant the scarf and glasses that I lent him some time ago. That scarf and glasses that were the beginning of our short story... apart from that, there was nothing more to give. Unless he was going to return the gifts I gave to him, nothing at all.

-You could have left it in the office. I would pick it up anyway.

-I mentioned that I would give them to you in person -I laughed without humor.

-You did it, only I didn't think that would matter now -I cut him off.

-You have not gone to the office... -So, what? It wasn't exactly like he missed me. I was ignored enough by him a long time ago. Also, I decided to take some time away from the problem to save some of my mental health. I used to visit the company frequently to see my boys who had nothing to do with these problems and I still adored them, obviously.

-Yep -I looked at him, trying to decipher where his train of thoughts was going. It was a serious mistake that I would pay later. He still looked beautiful, possibly a little thinner, but adorable. Somehow, the Ravi who had spent all those moments with me was there. No, don't be silly Lorena. You just want him to be here. The one you met left. Now there is the artist that you support.

-Will you go to the trip with us next week? -I laughed.

-Yes. I still work with you, Ravi. Our personal relationship doesn't matter there -Easy saying it, making it really not matter was something completely different-. Why do you ask? Are you making sure your brothers don't kill you for being an idiot? Don't worry, that will not happen. If you're worried that I leave the work, calm down, it took me a lot to get here. If you care about me -I shrugged even though the effort hurt-, don't do it, you waste your time. I'm perfectly fine-A lie.

-Ha Neul... -He looked at me intensely and let out a frustrated breath. When he was going to say something, the doorbell rang-. Are you waiting for someone? -No, the truth was I wasn't.

-And do you care about it, because? -I walked with a determined step to the door. When I opened it I found Shin Hwa, carrying some bags in his hands.

-I thought you would not try...

-You are here! Why took you so long? -I used the greatest excitement I could as I was. The photographer looked at me confused, but then he saw Ravi behind me and squinted.

-I went to buy what you were dying to eat -He didn't waste time asking what happened.

-Did you bring it? You're the best! -I celebrated. Ravi cleared his throat.

-I think it's time for me to go -Both of us, Shin Hwa and me, stood by the door to let him out.

-Eh, Ravi? -I called him-. I really hope that everything in your life goes the way you want -This was what he really wanted. That we have broke up doesn't mean that I don't wish him the best, both personally and artistically. Ravi just looked at me steadily and nodded before turning around and leaving.

Once he disappeared from my sight, I felt my feet tremble and Shin Hwa was there to hold me. I had already endured a lot for a long time and now I was getting the bill. The photographer helped me enter and sit on the chair.

-You must eat something -I nodded vaguely because I didn't have the energy to deny myself.

When the first spoonful of food fell into my stomach, it gave me a cramp that made me bend. How long ago did you try a bite? I felt the ravages of each of them. We ate in silence, although Shin Hwa was looking that I ate everything.

-Thank you -I said at the end-, for the food and the arrival just in time. I didn't think I could hold another minute without falling apart -I took a deep breath-. I feel so pathetic...

-Everything will be fine -For some reason that made me smile.

-Everything will be fine, eventually, it will be -He nodded, returning the smile.

-Since we are here. Do you remember the modeling offer I made a long time ago? Still standing -That touched me. Now that I worked from home, I had so much free time that it was driving me crazy.

-Not lying?

-Not at all. Model for me, please? I have some projects and even the company that has been waiting for you, they keep contacting me. Make that campaign -I took a deep breath. I didn't like the idea of doing something big. Being a model for your photographer's portfolio and doing the campaign were two completely different things. Then Ravi's voice was heard so clearly in my mind that I thought I had gone mad: what do you have to offer me as an artist? You are just a worker who has no connection.

-I will -And I would show everyone that I could be more than they thought. They have opened an abyss and I want to make them pay, even if the process bothers me-. I only have a few requests.

-Listening -It was silly things like I would choose when my hair will be straight because I know this world and the first thing they will do is lift my hair until one day my curls would disappear and I loved my hair as it was. Also, the fact that I would not stop working with VIXX so the schedule would be done by me so both would work accordingly. Shin Hwa listened attentively.

-I didn't expect anything less. Now I want to make a request.

-I'm listening.

-Let me be your manager -I laughed

-Who else could you trust for that job? You're making a silly request, considering that I already thought of you as my manager -It was his turn to laugh.

-Very good. I'll pass by you tomorrow morning. We have a lot to do.

-Perfect. I can't wait -In fact. I wanted eagerly to begin this new stage of my life. I didn't know what I was going to find, possibly I will have many new headaches, but it was something new and that was always welcome.

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