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Ravi threw away the leftovers on the plates... There was nothing left but that. VIXX devoured the food. I was more than happy about that. I sat on the counter in a jump, just in the free space next to the sink. I drank the wine while watching him, looking charming doing something as trivial as washing dishes. Now I did feel a little alcohol, when this happened my body tingled. I was still sane, but I wasn't responsible for what could come out of my mouth.

-Did you drink the whole bottle?

-Yes. Do you want a bit? -The only thing that remained of the wine was in that glass. He didn't refuse when I handed him the glass, but he didn't do what I expected him to do either. He drank from the glass in my hand, leaving me breathless. Where was the timid Won-Sik?

- How is it that you aren't drunk?

-I have too much resistance. But after this I don't drink anymore. Then I would be. With only a couple more drinks, I would be really drunk.

-People tell that drunks say everything.

-And write better poetry! -I added with giggles. He laughed too-. But in any case, I'm not drunk. I already told you. What are you curious about?

-What would I be curious about? -He played a poker face while he handed me a plate to dry it.

-If I knew, I would not be asking you, but the comment didn't come out of nowhere either. In any case, whenever you have asked me something I have answered you with the truth. Without a drop of alcohol! -He splashed me with water-. Ey!!!! -I put my feet on the ground in less than a blink, but Ravi was already blocking my way to get to the sink. This is not going to stay that way. Then, I saw that there were still glasses with ice, so I went for one and put it in his shirt.

I died laughing while I saw him trying to get rid of the ice. The more he moved, the more I laughed. Once the ice finally came out of his shirt, Ravi took off the gloves he used to wash the dishes. Oh-oh. I ran for the opposite side, but my steps compared to those of him? It was like the hare and the turtle. He caught me in less than a blink, grabbing my hands. I tried to free my hands, but he was strong and I was still dying of laughter, it was impossible.

-You owe me an apology -I would have thought he meant it if he wasn't trying hard to hide a smile.

-No, this is your fault -I tried to pull myself out again, pulling back, but my back quickly found the refrigerator. And the impulse I used to try to let go, just put Ravi closer.

Gods, too close. His body stuck to mine, seizing me against the refrigerator. He let go of my hands and put his arms on either side. Now I was trapped. My breathing stopped. He was so tall that he had to get off a little. That expression on his face, was so new to me that it blew me away. His breathing caressed my face. He was about to kiss me. I didn't have to be a fortune-teller to know that, he had everything written on his face. And me? Was dying for him to do it. There was no moment of hesitation. He came down slowly, my lips stung by agony because the wait seemed eternal. His lips were there, inches from mine. My eyes closed in surrender...

...And my cell phone rang! Making Ravi move away immediately with a sigh, as if he had received an electric shock. I was stunned, there for several seconds. Frustration ran through my veins, I really wanted to split the phone in two or send it to fly to the other corner of the kitchen. Do anything that means getting rid of that noisy device. He was so close, so damn close to kissing me!!!!

-Hello? -I answered the phone without looking at who it was, wanting it to stop ringing. Every time it did, I felt it was making fun of me.

-Ha Neul? It's me Shin Hwa. I hope I have not interrupted something important. How are you? -I laughed bitterly... Interrupting something important? Interrupting something important!! Omg!!!!

-Hello Shin Hwa. I'm good, thank you for asking. What happened?

-Sun Hee told me to call you to remind you of the meeting tomorrow –For that? For that! I expected it to be something of life or death, but this! I breathed deeply... He could have sent me a text!

-Of course, I won't forget it. See you tomorrow night.

-Great. Sleep well.

-You too.

I hung up with a resounding breath. The injustices of life. I looked at the back of Ravi, who had again dried the dishes that were missing, without any trace of the playful man of minutes ago. Now there is only one tense man left. Was he tensing because he tried to kiss me? The silence grew thick in the kitchen.

-Why did he call you so late? -His voice sounded more serious than usual.

-To confirm that tomorrow we will meet for dinner.

- You two alone?

-No, Sun Hee will be too -The tension in his shoulders relaxed a little. He was jealous? An emotion grew in my stomach. Don't be stupid!!! Don't look for the four legs of the cat or you will end up dead.

-You see each other quite often -This was not a question, it was just a statement. I was going to tell him that they were the only friends with whom I could share part of them, but N stuck his head out.

-Why are you arguing as a couple?

-We're not arguing -Ravi and I said at the same time-, and we're not a couple -He added emphatically. N laughed.

-Yeah, it's just a joke. You don't have to be so serious. Ha Neul, it's late. It's not that we want you to leave, but we don't want it to be done later and you have to go alone. I'll ask for a taxi to take you home.

-Thank you. Anyway, I was about to leave. I just hoped to finish cleaning.

-I'll notify you when the taxi is at the door.

-Thank you! -N disappeared again, leaving Ravi and me silent again. It was an almost eternal moment in silence, until he asked:

-You leave early from work tomorrow, right? -I was doing it. They would not be in the company for their half-vacations, so I didn't have much to do.


-Come to the studio tomorrow -I approached him until I sat down again where I had been minutes ago, giving him a confused look.

-About the company?

-Mine -I looked at him as if he had lost a screw-. You promised me something, right? I found something that I want you to sing. I will not accept a no for an answer -I could tell it that by the expression on his face.


-I'll wait for you outside of work.

-Ha Neul? -Hyuk this time was the one who arrived-. N sent me to say that the taxi is already here.

-I'll go right away -The maknae nodded and left.

-See you tomorrow. Let me know if there is a change of plans.

-It was good that you were here -He said, looking me in the eyes. His eyes were so deep and beautiful that I could have stayed there, watching them until I died-. See you tomorrow.

-Goodbye -I left before I said or did something stupid.

I said goodbye to the other guys who invited me to another day at their home, but obviously I knew what was behind that. Come to cook another day, in nicer words. These guys would do everything to get away with it. I found the nice detail that they already paid the taxi driver to take me home. Those adorable men! Always with their small details.

I climbed into the taxi consumed by thoughts. Besides, I still felt Ravi's body close to mine, causing me to hyperventilate. Would he really have kissed me? What was happening? A part of me flew just to remember the moment, the other died of fear. He wasn't a person to me, I was aware of that. I could keep the distance, but if he came in my direction there wasn't much I could do. No matter how many times I resisted, Won- Sik would win. He would always do it.

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