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-Here you are -Leo looked at me as if he had been looking for me for a long time and was worried.

-Something happened?

-Do you know what time it is?

-No -Who knows how long I was in front of the piano...? Really time became nothing.

-You've been here for three hours.

-What? Has it been three hours already? I am sorry. I have to go finish the office. Do you guys need anything? -I stopped immediately, but my body was stiff from being in the same position all the time, so I tripped. Leo stabilized me quickly.

-You should be still for a moment. You also need warm water compresses. If you've been playing the piano all this time, your arms must hurt horrors -In fact, my arms ached for touching the same thing over and over again.

-I'm fine. Do not worry. I just put my thoughts in order. Everything is fine -Leo looked at me and I knew he did not believe me in the slightest-. You don't believe me? -I raised my arm to show him I was fine but a cry escaped me.

-In case you did not know, I'm good at reading people, just like you. And I've been playing piano for more than a year; I know what I'm talking about -By his tone of know-it all I had no choice but to laugh.

-It's ok. Really, you do not have to worry.

-You sure?


-Let's go for the water packs. I will not take no for an answer -I rolled my eyes. He would not let it happen, because if it were the opposite I would be doing exactly the same.

-Lets go. Then I must go to finish the office. Hell, I did not even think I'd been there long. I love the piano, and although I have learned a couple of melodies, I entertain myself a lot. I also try to get other melodies.

-Do you want me to teach you? -I looked at him in disbelief.

-Seriously? -He shrugged-. I do not have all the days off, nor can I promise you all the classes you want. But I can teach you things from time to time.

-Could you? -He nodded and smiled at my expression. Surely I looked like a girl left in a candy shop-. That means I'll sleep on the piano now -Leo burst out laughing as I had never seen him.

-I do not sleep on the piano.

-Oh no? I would swore you did. You had to practice so much that the reasonable thing was to sleep at the piano -I winked.

-Here you are! -Hyuk and Ken came to our side-. We've been looking for you all this time. Why do not you answer the cellphone?

-I am sorry. After answering the call, I had to fill out some papers -I looked at Leo and motioned him not to say anything.

-Come. The office is ready -Ken with his usual enthusiasm. Sometimes I think he must have been a cheerleader in some of his lives. And so it was that instead of going for hot compresses, we went to the VIXX central. I did not know what I was waiting, but it was definitely not this.

-Have you guys considered working as interior decorators? -I asked-. This looks great!

The office was decorated in the colors of Rovix: blue, red and yellow. There was a small seat for two red, with yellow cushions that said VIXX. The walls were blue, a white and the mural in the background. Where my desk was, next to it was a small mirrored picture that read: Eternity in italics. It was a dream job, I seriously believed I was asleep.

-The computer is ready -Ravi stepped behind the desk.

-We thought it might get cold in here, so we ordered this blanket -Hongbin set it on the couch. This was a Rovix blanket.

-We did not know your size -N said from the side of the chair-, to get the coat. But Ravi left one of his own, in case you will need it -He pointed in a coat that rested on the back of the chair.

-You really thought of everything!

- No, that last thing was all Ravi -Leo said from my back.

-I thought you might get cold eventually... You blow your hands too often to get warm -Guilty. It was too cold, so I blew my hands and made friction. What he did not know was that he did it so often that he would notice it.

-If you're always cold, why do not you wear gloves? -Ken looked at me as if I were not the smartest person on the face of the earth.

-I come from a place you do not even know exists. And there all the time is summer. No snow, no low temperatures. Not cold, just nice time to spend on the beach. All tropical. So I'm not used to it. Also, it is the air conditioning in this place is very cold to me.

-It doesn't snows from where you are?

-No Ken, I lived my whole life in the summer. With beaches included.

-That had to be great.

-It was.

-So, do you like how it was? -Hyuk asked, returning to the main topic. All the men looked at me.

-Yes, a lot. I think I'll spend more time here than in my own apartment.

-Have you eaten? -Ravi asked, changing the subject.

"No, I'll meet with Sun Hee to eat after work -He nodded.

-It's not that we wanted to go, or anything. But we must go -N looked really tired.

-Of course. Please, go and rest. Tomorrow is a long day -They would have a photo shoot in the morning and then a presentation. Then they had to get on a plane to go to Japan-. See you tomorrow.

-Aren't you going to leave too? -Leo asked, he was worried. It was a miracle that I had not been dragged to put on the compresses.

-No, I'll install the programs on the computer. Before I leave with Sun Hee I promise to have everything ready -He nodded, catching fast that I was going to put the compresses on me.

Then everyone said goodbye. I was alone in the office after that. I could not move for a while. I was really impressed by the great work they all did. I took photos excitedly and sent them to Ale.

-The VIXX Central is ready. And you will not believe who prepared it -I sent her the selca that we took. I did not get an immediate answer so I assumed she was asleep. I walked to the desk and tried to stretch, forgetting completely that my arms ached-. Ah! -This really would not do. I could not use the computer with my arms like that, my wrists hurt too.

-What? What is it? -That deep voice was again very close to me. I felt a hand on the shoulder and the slight squeeze it made, made me wince-. Does your arm hurt? -Ravi asked.

-It's nothing -I said quickly.

-For real? You did not look good seconds ago.

-It was just sudden cramp -He did not believe me at all, but I could see he realized that I would not give in either-. Do you want something?

-Oh yeah. I came to tell you not to worry about returning my coat. Consider it a gift. I'll go first. Good afternoon -And he left without me being thankful, fighting or anything, I stood there watching the door close behind him. With millions of questions accompanying me.

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