Bonus Chap. 10

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Seeing her office in shambles made me realize how much she would have to endure to be with me... Because I knew that I was the reason why Hana was doing this. The office wasn't simply in a chaotic state, forget about it, it was far beyond that. Everything was everywhere, even the collection of us that was on the shelf was shattered on the floor. How are you going to destroy papers without taking the time to rip them up with your own hands? The CDs ran with the same luck, those that were not broken by the heels of the men, are probably scratched. Ha Neul stood in front of the door and her expression hurt much more than the heinous act. I felt responsible for this altercation, so much so that I didn't even know how to start apologizing.

-What's going on? -That voice that always spoke sweetly now was a world of anger and pain. Despite what was happening, she was reacting better than me. I didn't know that Hannie could suffer on such a scale for being with me. Although it was noticeable that this was just something to provoke her, she was the one who had something to lose. Not Hana, not even me. How could I be so selfish? Ha Neul had every right to resist being with me.

-Thief, return what you stole from me -I tightened my jaw, for if I said something, no matter how small, Hana would see it as a ticket to keep doing things like this.

-What the hell are you talking about?

-My expensive choker. They told me that it was you who stole it.

-I don't even have time to breathe, how the hell would I find some in order to get closer to your things? -In that she was right. Boo was always busy not only attending us but also attending to the problems and things that happen on the web. It was impossible that she had acquired it when she doesn't even have contact with the group, and she seems to be always stuck in front of the computer.

-Here it is -The man came out with a choker that I saw only a few times on Hana's neck.

-I demand an explanation for this -Ha Neul's face changed completely. I have observed her enough to know that her patience was reaching the limit, I have never seen her in a state of real anger before, so I'm not sure what will happen.

-Are you implying that I took it!? -She didn't seem to believe what she was hearing.

-Everyone says you have those customs from abroad -In less than a blink of an eye she reacted, and she was going to go directly to Hana, and I almost lost the opportunity to stop her. Anything she did against the singer would hurt her much more. I earned an incredulous and wounded look, surely believing that I was on behalf of Hana. Believe in me, please. Any show of affection will be another reason for Hana to do something against her. Any sign of affection, however minimal, will be the beginning of a stir in the company that would end what it cost her so hard to get.

-Ha Neul? The president is waiting for you in his office -This didn't look good. Considering that this isn't the first incident that had occurred between them, Ha Neul was at risk of losing her job. I'm sure the company would prefer to remove her before having a real problem with Hana.

The singer's satisfied face made me realize her true hateful nature, or maybe it was just the obsession she had with me, who really knew? Ha Neul made another step to walk to her, I knew that would end badly, so I didn't take my hand off. Again, with a hurt look, she let out a sigh and pulled out my grip before leaving with the secretary. My brothers observed everything with annoyance, we knew Hana for many years, we collaborated together and we didn't know how to handle this situation. I, specifically, was feeling that the devil was taking me in those moments without being able to do anything to avoid it.

-Oppa, have you seen who she really is? -Hana walked to my side with all the innocence of the world-. How can you all always be with her? It's dangerous, imagine all the things she must have in her home that are yours -I went into the office studying the disaster-. Oppa, are you listening to me? -It was taking all my self-control to not shout anything about the matter.

-Hana, you've done enough. Get out before you regret it -Ken said in a cutting tone.

-But I have not done anything! -A noise of disbelief came from my mouth.

-We know -N always with his diplomacy-. But there are things you did and they were not necessary. Just go, now isn't the time to clarify what happened -And the singer left, seeing herself as the most wounded person in the universe leaving behind her the years of Ha Neul's efforts.

We were all inside the office, picking up things in silence. We wanted to pick up before Boo came to the office and she found this disaster. The problem was that if she arrived at some point later, she would find an empty space.

-We must acquire things for her -I said at last.

-That would take a lot of time -Hongbin was right about that.

-I'll not let her be here until everything is ready. I'll take her to my studio and I'll make her work from there.

-That's a good idea. Do you think you can fix a space for her? -N asked raising the frame of our photo when we finished fixing the office, with broken glass.

-Why aren't you with Hannie? I'm sure she'll want you to be with her -Hyuk picked up a box from one of our concerts that had miraculously survived.

I remained silent because it was what I wanted to do at this moment, but the guilt wouldn't let me do it. At the moment I was wondering if I would be able to protect Ha Neul from all the things we had to face. I didn't have the confidence to stand in front of her and comfort her. It sounds stupid and even a little selfish, but I couldn't do it.

-Go and fix the office. You can apologize to her later if that's what you want -Leo stared at me from the corner where he was picking stuff up.

-We'll take care of putting everything here in order -Ken said-. We'll also take care of putting things that were -He winked at me-. N can do the shopping -We laughed a little, breaking the tension that the air was carrying.

I left when I saw Boo and the photographer leave the company. It was like a kick in the stomach because he was doing what I should be doing. Now wasn't the time to get jealous, I was glad someone could get her away from here and give her a break. I took my cell phone and dialed the same person who decorated my office a long time ago and I asked them to go immediately and add a space in which Ha Neul could be comfortable, without regret this incident.

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