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It was six o'clock and Shin Hwa was standing in front of the office doors waiting for me. I was surprised to see him there. Normally the boys were the ones who came to assault the office before I left. But this time the photographer was without a trace of Sun Hee. I turned off the computer, I took off Ravi's coat, leaving it in its usual place, taking mine to leave.

-Where is Sun Hee? -I asked when I met the man in the hallway.

-She is in the restaurant. Are we going? -We walked down the corridor, talking and laughing placidly until we reached the doors of the company, where I stopped to put on my coat.

-Permit me, I'll help with that -Shin Hwa took the coat and held it for me to put it on comfortably.

-Thank you.

-Ha Neul? -I looked in the direction where someone had called me to meet the boys. They smiled when they saw me, but I could see that Ravi had narrowed his eyes in the direction of the photographer. It was something I wasn't sure I interpreted well. Ravi didn't like Shin Hwa? I shook my head. That didn't make any sense. Everyone greeted the photographer before addressing me.

- Where are you going? -N looked tired. He had been practicing all day.

-I'll go to dinner with Shin Hwa and Sun Hee. Do you want to join us?

-We would love it, but we can't -Hyuk lamented. And I expected it, but I invited them out of pure courtesy.

-Maybe another time -Said Leo who was looking at Shin Hwa and me curiously.

-Sure -The photographer spoke-, I hope you can.

-Are tonight's plans still standing? -Ken asked me, but his usual energy was controlled. Was it because around the photographer it was just work? It may be, despite everything, they were very own when I had to see their work.

-Obviously. I'll be there to make you cry -Hongbin laughed.

-That's not very difficult, he gets frustrated quickly.

-We don't hold you anymore -N interrupted the little war that I was going to start next. Ken was ready to speak and I was ready to reply. I hid a laugh behind my hand.

-Have a good night -The photographer said goodbye.

-Don't forget to eat something -I told them-. Good night -I bowed slightly and they returned it with a good night chorus.

-Eat many tasty food -Hyuk said.

-Don't forget the game -Ken said, by then the photographer was already opening the door for me.

When I got to the car, Shin Hwa opened the door for me. I smiled to hide the confusion, because I wasn't used to such gestures.

-Apparently the group gets along very well with you -He started the car when he entered and we left.

-They treat me very well, I don't complain about any of them.

-It is very good, I didn't expect less, they are excellent people -He didn't have to say it, I already knew that.

We talked about everything a little way to the restaurant. Talking with him was extremely simple, I felt comfortable. We met Sun Hee, who was waiting for us at the table of a cozy restaurant, but one of those that you see leagues that you are going to leave an organ of your body to be able to pay.

-He chose the place -Sun Hee shrugged-. It is his favorite restaurant. I can never make him change his mind when this restaurant has already been chosen -I smiled at Sun Hee because she had a disgruntled face.

-It is extremely nice.

-The food is better. Wait to try it -He smiled at me.

-We can ask for anything, Ha Neul! So, don't let him intimidate you.

-God knows that Sun Hee eats for a battalion, so nothing surprises me anymore.

-Hey! I don't eat much.

-No, you eat too much -Before Sun Hee could reply, a waitress arrived, asking us what we wanted to drink.

-A bottle of wine -Shin Hwa asked, but suddenly stopped-. Do you want something different? -I shook my head.

-Wine is perfect.

We got involved talking and it was the first time I had a nice time without my boys being involved. It can be said that it is my first normal life moment since I arrived here. As Shin Hwa predicted: the food was delicious, Sun Hee ate a lot, and the wine was deadly.

-Did you show her the photos you took that time? -Sun Hee was attacking her meat plate.

-No, I'll show her later.

-He has a proposal for you Ha Neul, I hope you take it. You have driven many people crazy. Remember me when you are famous.

-What are you talking about? Someone to enlighten me, please! -The photographer dedicated her a look of few friends.

-I showed your photos to some people who wanted to innovate their campaign. They asked me to contact you -I breathed deeply.

-Thanks for the offer, but no -I had serious problems when it involved being the center of attention. Frankly, it is not something that I would like to talk to them about... but all that implied that many people saw me, ended up ruled out. Sun Hee laughed softly.

-This will be fun to watch. He will not leave you alone until he can take the photos -I laughed at them.

-It will take a long time for me to just tell him I'll think about it -I shrugged and Shin Hwa laughed heartily.

-This will be fun to see -Sun Hee said.

We finished the dinner and we talked for a while longer. It was already a little after eight when Shin Hwa took me to the apartment. This time we did it in silence. He looked thoughtful and I suddenly found myself wondering what Ravi was doing right now, and what his behavior could mean today. He had not said something to me, besides the courtesy. But I didn't think he was upset. That left me to knock it down.

-We are here -He said pulling me out of my thoughts. I had given him the address and he had just arrived. It will be hard for me to learn this place.

-Thank you for the invitation and for bringing me. I had a great time -He smiled.

-I hope this happens again. Maybe we should go for a coffee next week. Sun Hee has to give me some things so I'll be close.

-That sounds good.

-Ah, by the way -He handed me an envelope-, your photos.

-Oh, thank you! -I took the envelope, waiting for him to press on the subject of the photos. But he didn't, so I was relieved-. Then we'll see each other again. Goodnight.

-Rest well. Goodnight -I got out of the car, looking at the clock. Surely Ken was already connected.

I arrived at the apartment and opened the door, directing myself directly to the computer. I turned it on and went to change for something comfortable before sitting down and putting on my headset to connect.

-Here I am -Upon hearing my voice Ken began to celebrate.

-All right!!!

-Wait, let me prepare the equipment -I prepared the weapons and everything else-. Ok, I'm done!

The hours passed and we were still playing. Later, Hongbin joined us. It was a really fun time, where they laughed a lot because I cursed in several languages ​​and they couldn't understand, but because of my tone they suspected what I was saying. Needless to say, we went to sleep late, but we had such a good time that I fell asleep with a smile on my lips.

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