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I should have guessed that I would not be able to sleep so peacefully this time... no, life wasn't so simple. I heard Ravi breathe until I assumed he was completely asleep, I gave up and left the circle of his arms unwillingly. I was inspired so I decided to go to my office and write a little. Maybe that was what I needed to be deeply asleep.

I opened the door, finding complete darkness. Instead of turning on the light, I went to light the lamp. I hated everything fully illuminated, so the dim light of the lamp was completely welcomed. I took a seat willingly, grabbing the notebook that Ravi gave me. When I wrote there, it was something completely different from writing in another notebook, it was almost magical. I spent the time writing, releasing all the inspiration. I wasn't lying when I said that these things happened mostly at dawn.

When I finished writing three poems, I still wanted to do something else, so I started doing a drawing. It was luck that he didn't enter this office because I seemed crazy obsessed. I had pictures and drawings of them everywhere hanging on the walls. I had to calm down a little my fanatical vein... I just didn't know how to do it.

This time an idea hovered around my head without leaving me alone, so I took my sketchbook that I left some time ago and began to sketch. Another drawing of Ravi... Ugh, I really should get a new hobby... Although the truth is that he had so many beautiful facets that made me want to put them on paper. I guess the obsession started when it was all I could do being an international fan. Maybe, just maybe, I could give it to him as a birthday present. It is still the time that I don't know what to give him. That put me in tension. The day was approaching and I still could not decide. It was all annoying.

I looked for a cloth and moistened it with the water bottle I had for it, so I could clean my hands. Having carbon in your hands could be a problem later. I don't want to leave marks of my fingers all over the page... After being ready, with all the materials, I started to finish what I started.

-Why are you awake? -I was startled to hear Ravi's voice from the door. Seeing him there filled my heart, so much that I couldn't help but smile.

-You hit me while you were sleeping -I scoffed.

-For real? -He opened his eyes with regret.

-No, but you must see your worried face. Is super funny -He chuckled softly and shook his head.

-What am I going to do with you?

-No matter what you do, you will not be able to stop me from making jokes on your account.

-Uff, that's creepy. Come to sleep.

-I'm coming soon -He shook his head and approached. I closed the notebook on the fly, I didn't want him to see what I was doing. I was lucky that he was half asleep and the office dark, so it wasn't very visible the whole decoration. I didn't want to challenge my luck, risking it that he could see what I'm doing. At least, not yet.

-You can finish it another day.

-Another day I will not have inspiration -The complete truth. I used to finish things in a single day even if it meant I would not sleep because I didn't know what mood I was going to find myself the next day... if I left the project halfway, I probably wasn't going to resume it, or I do it in a long time later. Even now I still have incomplete projects. What a nightmare.

-You must rest, tomorrow you have work -I sighed. He didn't look like he was going to go back to bed alone.

-You will not be quiet until I go to sleep, right? -He nodded. In addition, who in their right mind refused that request? I mean, Ravi was asking me to go back to bed. Let the devil take me if this wasn't one of the most unexpected situations that have happened to me. It felt so good! Not even in my most precious dreams did this ever happen- Let's go -I wiped my hands and left everything on the desk.

Ravi extended a hand to me and I took it without hesitation, earning a smile with a slight squeeze. I let myself be carried to the room, wondering if I was really awake. I felt that I could burst into tears at any moment because of the great happiness I had. He waited until I was settled on my side of the bed to get in. Then I approached him in a hug, again. Could this be more perfect?

-You will not go anywhere -He told me-. Try to rest something, don't demand yourself so much -He kissed my lips softly and then a sigh escaped.

-Rest well. You are the one who should be doing it.

-I did it until I realized you were not here -Listening to the rumble of his voice in his chest near my ear was perfect music. I could be this way all my life.

-I won't move from here.

-I hope so -And since its Ravi, he fell asleep. Dude, I would like to have the ability to sleep as soon as my head touches the pillow. I laughed softly, staying there.

Since I arrived here, my life has been full of perfect moments. I wondered if I would be so lucky to continue receiving such gifts. Soon I fell asleep on the arm of the man who has been my light for years, one who, while asleep, held me tightly, as if he didn't want to let me go, even in dreams.

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