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The agency had given me the morning off so I could do the paperwork I needed. When I returned to the company with Sun Hee, I already had my provisional license. Yeah! Now I could drive... But I had to save for the car. At least if they sent me to do something, I could do it. I said goodbye to the stylist who should go somewhere else. I went directly to greet the boys, but they weren't in the practice room. Where would they be?

I walked to my office because I had many things on the agenda. Thank the gods, the fanbase was up to date. Today I would do the process to turn it into an official website. I was so happy that I couldn't stop smiling. I opened the office, humming a song that was abruptly interrupted when I met Hana inside the office.

-Why do you have this here? -She pointed to the sweater that Ravi had left for me. Her haughty position ignited my character faster than a gasoline to a flame.

- Why don't you ask the owner?

-Do you dare to talk to me like that? -I made a sound with the tongue and laughed.

-From where I see it, this is my office. And this isn't a drama. So, I don't see why I should have respect for someone who doesn't respect me.

-I'm warning you. Won-Sik is mine.

-I'm sorry, you should put a bigger label with your name because I've not seen it. And I'm sure others don't either. But don't worry, he and I are just friends. Nothing more than that.

-Don't make fun of me -Just when I was about to give her a quaint response, Ken stuck his head out the door.

-Good thing you're here! We having lunch. We don't want to do it without you -Then he noticed that Hana was in the office-. Hana-ssi? What brings you here? -In less than I could blink, a bright smile was imprinted on her lips.

-Jaehwan, I was just talking to Ha Neul to see how she was doing -Ken narrowed his eyes and I chuckled, shaking my head.

-Good to see you. Ha Neul, are you coming? I'm starving.

-Sure. I'll follow you -Hana cleared her throat.

-I'll go with you -Ken looked at me as if offering me an apology, I shrugged my shoulders.

-Mmmh, ok.

How I knew what would happen when they left us together, was a set of laughter and grimaces. I knew that Hana should be watching us as if we were two children. But the reality was, Ken had a great depth that no one would believe he had and we both enjoyed our inner child no matter what the rest. When Ken opened the door, a set of congratulations and scandal rose.

-Congratulations on your provisional license -Said N.

-It's amazing you have one and I haven't yet -Hongbin complained.

-Probably because I have more years than all of you driving. So, why are you surprised again? -Hyuk was interested.

-Oh, yes? -I nodded.

-Since the age of 16.

-How many do you have now? -Leo asked.

-That is the subject for another occasion -We all laugh. For the moment, I felt an arm over my shoulders, leaving me frozen to recognize its smell.

-We've organized this for you. Consider it a celebration.

-Because now you have a driver? -I scoffed and he shrugged.

-If you put it that way... -I gave him a playful elbow. Making him welcome it with a whole drama.

-Hey, guys -At that moment everyone noticed Hana, who was behind me.

-Hana ssi? -N asked with surprise.

-Ken told me I could join the celebration -All eyes turned to the culprit. Immediately he opened his mouth and closed it again. For what I laughed a lot, because sure as I was, I knew that Ken was going to let go: she invited herself; but decided to remain silent at the last minute out of courtesy.

-What's wrong? -Ravi kept holding me and looked at me as if I had lost my mind. I wiped away the tears that came from laughing so much.

-Nothing, nothing. What's there to eat? -Leo was already heading to the table-. Leo, the celebration is mine! Aren't supposed to be the first? -I grabbed Ravi's arm, wondering if he was aware of what he was doing. The rest of the boys were already giving us curious looks and Hana would have killed me if she had a knife in her hands.

-What am I supposed to do if you are taking a long time, die of hunger?

-You are such a martyr. Call the ambulance guys, Leo is about to faint -He started laughing.

-Did he really just laughed with someone who is not one of you, right? -Hana looked amazed. And we looked at her a confused.

-What do you mean? -Ken asked.

-Leo is a person who doesn't laugh out loud... I mean, he doesn't do it often with other people. Only with you, guys... that make him feel comfortable. But he just laughed at what she said -She stammered.

-How is him not going to laugh? I'm funny enough -I shrugged and put on the most innocent face possible, moving my eyelashes quickly to make a "lovely" move. Leo laughed again-. Ok, now call the ambulance, because we need an oxygen tank. By the way -I was going to say that they left their agenda free on Sunday night, but I didn't want an annoying guest, so I asked something completely different-. Can we eat now?

-Yes -N was the first to sit, then we all realized that there were exactly seven chairs.

-Take a seat -Ravi told Hana, giving her his chair. Making her flash a smile to him that I'm sure has achieved many male compliments.

Then they all began to behave properly, well, as properly as their abilities allowed. Ravi who had gone for a chair, was now laughing at his brothers. In the end they were still them, crazy people of life. The time passed between jokes under the scrutiny of the singer.

-I have to go. Thanks for the invitation –She said-. Won-Sik, could you come with me?

-Yes, wait a moment -He set his plate aside and stood up. We saw them leave the room and we all let out a sigh.

-For some strange reason this has been uncomfortable -Hongbin scratched his head in confusion.

-Is good to know I wasn't the only one -N did go back to his plate. Leo gave me a long look and I smiled at him.

-Thank you for the gesture. I thank you all.

-Thank us taking us to the places we want to go -I laughed.

-Are you aware that I still don't have a car?

-We can ask for one from the company -Said Hyuk thoughtfully.

-You really do what you want, don't you?

-Eh, yes and no -Obviously it was clear. They did what they could within the rules of their contract. When we had finished collecting and storing things, Ravi entered the room.

-Did you lost yourself on purpose with Hana? -Ken started teasing him.

-What are you talking about? I wasn't out so long.

-Guys, we're all going to buy a new watch for the man, I think he's dead -Everyone laughed, except Ravi obviously, who gave me an unpleasant look. I resisted the urge to pull out my tongue-. Since everything is in place, I will continue to work. If you need something, shout. I'm around.

-We will go to the studio.

-Don't stay late, remember to rest -I went to the office in a good mood. Immediately I remembered Hana and the anger began to be sewn on a low fire. I shook my head, I would not let that small moment hurt my day. I was not going to give her that pleasure.

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