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I entered the practice room in the hope of not meeting anyone and so I could use the space for a warm-up time and be able to stretch. For a couple of days, I didn't and I began to feel the body tense and full of knots. I made a silent celebration when I didn't see a soul there. I could've done the stretching at home, but I preferred to use these facilities rather than risk being late for work. I changed my clothes for something more comfortable, although I didn't expect to take much time in this, doing without the right clothes would be a pain.

I put on my headphones and started stretching. I stretched my arms and feet, enough to start with some ballet stretches. The arms from one side to another, with great elegance, meant a rigid posture that made my muscles work and avoid shrinking. I regretted that there wasn't a bar to be able to raise my feet and do the push-ups. Continue with a small ballet choreography. It was one of the dances that I practiced the most, I had taken weeklies and classes. I realized that at least the warm-ups with ballet steps, made my body feel flexed once I finished the exercises and since then, it has always been my method.

I sat on the floor and stretched my feet as far as I could and brought my head to my knees. It had taken me a lifetime to do that without complaining, so I didn't want to lose my habit. Then I wished that my dance partner was there to stretch my feet. At the moment I saw something move in front of me, I looked quickly, scared. I didn't expect anyone and I didn't think I had spent much time in the practice room. Unexpectedly I met the eyes of Ravi, who was in turn surprised to find me there. Life was playing with me, why did I always have to meet him precisely? He wore a sleeveless shirt and training pants, with a green jacket tied around his waist... Yes, I know, I tended to study him completely... Oh god, those arms! Lore, please disguise a little. How could I not admire such beauty?! It was a sovereign sin if I didn't do it.

-I'm sorry- I took off my headphones-. I didn't think you would arrive so soon. The time must have passed.

-I didn't say anything -He defended himself. True, he had not said anything. So, why did I feel like a little girl who was discovered eating cookies that were not hers? -. You can continue with what you do, my brothers still don't arrive. They are in the recording studio.

I had two options: let him supervise me, because he looked too curious, or leave. It was at that moment when I remembered the conversation of us on the plane, and if it came to be anyone else who made the proposal I would have taken it willingly. I wasn't a cowardly mouse, so I would not go.

-Can you help me? -He came up with all kinds of questions on his face-. Can you stretch my feet?

-Of course -He sat on the floor and placed his hands on my right foot and kindly began to pull down, taking my feet towards the floor. A chill ran through my body, feeling its contact was like an electric shock. Ravi put his attention on the other foot and was so focused that I could not help but tease him for a while.

-Don't move- I suddenly said-. You have an insect on your shoulder -His face changed completely, just like I said, he stayed like a statue. He closed his eyes and bit his lips, he really didn't like insects.

I got on my knees to remove the leaf I had seen on his shoulder. I couldn't help but laugh when he saw what it was about. I sat on my feet, dying of laughter.

-I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it -But anyway I kept laughing.

-Ah, so it's funny? -He suddenly started tickling me. With how ticklish I was I burst out laughing, suddenly my arms couldn't hold me back and he left with me in some way.

His arms were positioned on both sides, enclosing me. I forgot to breathe. His face was so close that he could feel his breath. It was an incongruous moment, as if time had stopped or was an alternate reality. Ravi raised his hand, and with his thumb stroked my cheek with a smile. Wherever he was, he looked the tender's person in the face of the earth.

-Do we interrupt something? - We both moved at the speed of light, one away from the other. Leo entered the room, sipping his coffee and a short time later, the others entered laughing for something.

-Ha Neul! It's good to see that you're not a zombie -N looked at Ken reproachfully.

-That will never happen. I had a nice time -I looked at Ken-. It was fun. I will admit, because of Ken's mental health, that he won me a couple of times.

-Yes, you're good at playing, it was difficult for me -We were playing one of my games obviously had to be. And thank God he let me rest from Overwatch.

-Could it be that she let him won? -Hongbin always annoying him. Well, what the heck, he's in the top players in Overwatch. Even I am afraid to play that game with him.

-You're cruel! -I said, Ken's face was as if he had been thrown a glass of cold water-. I never did that -I stood up, leaving the uncomfortable position and when I did my legs cursed me a lot-. It's time for me to leave. I came to use your room for a while.

- For? -N walked to the stereo.

-Mmmh... A long story -I shrugged-. I'll tell you someday -The least I wanted was for them to think that I boasted, it was enough for them to know that I knew as many languages ​​as I could-. Do you need something?

-One bottles of water would be fine -Ravi said, I nodded without looking at him because I felt my face red.

-Ok. I change and I go for them.

I left the room and leaned against a wall looking for air. My heart was going so fast that I was surprised that it was still in my chest and had not run away. I broke my head trying to explain what happened, but all the answers were so unlikely that I gave up. With a resounding breath, I followed my path... Trying to kill the happy butterflies that were born in my stomach.

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