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I took the cap from my backpack, yes that he had given me, just after Shin Hwa left me at the airport, an hour before the boys arrived. I put on the mask to cover half of my face, joining the Starlights group that was waiting. Listening to them talking about VIXX with such emotion made me happy. VIXX worked so hard they deserved it. I took pictures of the Starlights waiting, to show them to them later.

-Do you think we see Ha Neul too?

-I think so. She continues to work with them.

-Do you think she is going to continue with them because she really is a Starlight or because of being close to Ravi?

-For what I know she has been Starlight since the beginning, she just stuck in the lottery... I don't like her with Ravi... But you have to admit that she's great as a person -Thank you for the credit, girls. If it were the other way around, surely, I would be saying the same thing.

I decided to get away a little more because the suitcase was calling too many glances. Now that I was a model -even though I'm only an interpreter at the moment-, I had to show brands and accessories, so I had to bring variety. That's why I had a suitcase that impeded my mobility. How could I go after them taking pictures and grabbing the suitcase? I had to start with my magic acts.

The boys arrived making everyone present begin to shout with euphoria. Ken left first, followed by N. Then Leo and Huyk, ending the march Hongbin and Ravi. I started taking pictures like crazy, putting the suitcase in front of me, so as not to lose it in the process. They greeted those present before moving inside the airport. Ravi swept the crowd with his eyes and when he noticed me, he grinned. Before the astonished look of everyone, including mine, he approached me.

-I would recognize you anywhere -He said with a crooked smile-. That cap makes me know -I was speechless when the whispering of the people rose up, realizing who I was and who had been with them all this time. Something told me that now I should get another cap... Without saying another word, Ravi grabbed my suitcase and took it as if he wasn't doing anything wrong, which made many people began to take pictures of the two of us.

I sighed. What the hell had just happened? He was crazy? I had no choice but to hang ID on my neck and walk behind them to take the pictures I had, while people took pictures of me too. I got on the plane after them, finding that my seat was in the window... And next to him. I looked at the other guys and they just shrugged.

-Are you crazy? -I asked him when I sat next to him.

-You're welcome. I just wanted to make your work easier.

-Thank you -I said in a low tone, almost reluctantly. Well, it was true, it made my job a lot easier. Ravi laughed. I didn't know I was finding fun, but for him there was something. Anyway, it was the only conversation we had during the whole trip, we both put on our headphones.

We arrived at night, before one of the activities. Normally we arrived the day before to be able to rest a little before a loaded agenda... At other times we were not so lucky and we arrived to go somewhere. Like today. We arrived for a recording. We dragged our tired bodies to where the encounter would be. Everything flowed without any problem and without any other indication that they needed me, I helped to retouch the makeup to the boys. Apart from that, I didn't do anything else.

There was no view more beautiful than seeing the hotel where we would stay. We all sighed, tiredness came out through the pores. We had prepared a welcome dinner so the only thing we needed at this time was to lie on a bed to rest. Again, my room was next to Ravi's, and that made me wonder who chose the room. Did he always ask for the room next to mine? Should I change the room with one of the boys? We didn't say anything as we headed to our rooms. He stopped behind me waiting for me to enter.

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